Debranding: The great name-dropping gamble

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Topic: Debranding

Today, we’ve prepared a new post for you. We hope that you will have an idea after you read our article about name-dropping. Let’s take a look! 😀

  1. 1 What is the debranding?

    Debranding basically means promoting your product without the logo or brand name. In a more broader sense, debranding is a process of de-corporatizing where a company removes its brand name or logo from its marketing collateral. The key strategy of debranding is to hide commercial logos and even brands completely.

    The concept can be in the form of not using the brand name in a product or logo of the brand, or not giving any brand name to any product or logo.

    It can be limited time or indefinitely.

  2. 2 The first known example of debranding is Nike; And when it did, it was 1995.

    They took out  'Nike'  on their products, and only the 'swoosh'  logo remained.

    Nike, which is known only for the logo without seeing its name, is one of the most beautiful and successful examples of the dropping name concept.

  3. 3 Another example is Starbucks

    Starbucks have modernized the logo of their brand name step by step, as well as making them anonymous.

  4. 4 Coca-Cola

    Coca-Cola added a name to its products and applied both the personalization trend and anonymization.

  5. 5 Likewise, Nutella

    Nutella has placed the brand in a more personal place by allowing you to write your own name on the product.

  6. 6 McDonald's

    McDonald's has a stylized letter “M” for its logo.

  7. 7 Shell

    Shell has a simple logo without a brand name these days.

  8. 8 What is the purpose of debranding?

    The general purpose of this strategy is to make your company appear more personal, more forward-thinking, and less corporate.

    Debranding isn't for everyone. It requires a certain degree of existing brand equity and a deep awareness of how customers respond to a given brand or product.

    The debranding strategy is using by well-known brands because it is like proof of signature and success for brands.

    As a result, debranding is clearly a well-established strategy in the next generation of marketing. It is warmer, less corporate, less self-contained.

What do you think about this strategy? Please do not forget to share your thoughts with us! 🙂

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Sena Karaduman

She studied International Trade and Marketing at Izmir Katip Celebi University.She likes writing about marketing and innovation. If you would like to send your creative works to her, say hi via email or on Instagram.

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