5 Astonishing Animal Print Ads Examples Tell The Truth

1 min

I have no doubt that we all love animals. Animals face many problems. This is one of my favorite aspects of marketing; we can be the voice of animals. There are many ads that want to raise awareness by addressing the problems of animals. Among them, we have selected the most meaningful and catchy ones for you. We hope that they will help to create awareness against these problems. 5 Astonishing Animal Print Ads.

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Every 60 Seconds A Species Dies Out

A smart animal print ad by Scholz & Friends, Germany for Bund. The main purpose of this advertising is to make people aware of endangered animals. The survival of these pure animals is in the hands of humans. Therefore, we must take responsibility.

''Every 60 seconds a species dies out. Each minute counts. Each donation helps. Bund.ne ''

Animals Are Not Clowns

Many people consider circus a place of fun for themselves and their children. But this fun also has a backside. The animals are tormented there. Do not be a part of this ignorance. This print ad by the Partners Lisboa, Portugal that best describes this situation.

If You Don’t Pick It Up They Will

We need to understand the importance of keeping our environment clean. There are many reasons to do this. One of the most important is the litter dumped in the habitats of animals. Animals are eating these garbages. And this situation results in death. You wouldn't want to be a killer by throwing garbage, would you?
''If You Don’t Pick It Up They Will''

How Many Test Animals Have To Pay For Your Cosmetics?

Another problem is the use of animals for testing cosmetic products. This situation is definitely brutality. We should use "Cruelty-Free" products as much as we can. This is a clever print ad that explained this problem. Print advertisement created by Leo Burnett, Belgium for Bite Back.

Exploiting The Ecosystem Also Threatening Human Lives

Although the animals we see in the print ad are scary and wild, their place in the ecosystem is very important. WWF has explained this very well.

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Yaren Dura

She is studying business at Izmir Katip Celebi University. She likes writing about creative ads, packaging design and guerrilla marketing. If you would like to send your creative works to her, say hi via email or on Instagram.

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