4 New Advertising and Shopping Experiences: Innovative-Customer Based

1 min

Digitalization has always been developing and customers’ shopping habits were changing. However, with Covid-19, this change started to gain momentum. These developments assort with the new shopping habits. Social media comes to the forefront. Brands corroborate with tech agencies. Differentiation and innovation have never been more important. Brands now must show these with their products and ads. Otherwise, they will fall behind this era. Thus, we shortly inform you of only this week’s news about innovation and customer-based developments. Let’s read! New Advertising and Shopping Experiences.

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Credit: Pazarlamasyon

  1. 1 Shopping on IGTV

    Instagram announced that Instagram Shop Option will be added to IGTV. By this means, users can watch products' videos, do the direct payments, and complete to process a purchase on the website. Instagram will start tests on Reels for IGTV of shopping features.

  2. 2 The Yes

    Technology and Fashion collaborated and The Yes is the new form of shopping. Personalization came end-point with The Yes. The app is very simple. Customers' choices are identified with Yes/No questions and then according to these answers, all products are stood a line. You can click here for more information.

  3. 3 More Digital Wallmart

    Wallmart renews the 1K stores according to the mobile app. Wallmart that inspires by airports, plans to present an easier shopping experience. Firstly, customers must download Walmart mobile app. Thus, they can use the advantages of the mobile app. What are these advantages? These stores have Wallmart Pay and self-checkout kiosks, contactless payment, and the Scan&Go system. Also, this app has navigation and price controls.

  4. 4 Ford & Instagram AR

    Ford advertised to "Electric Mustang" on Instagram AR. Ford that used to augmented reality, promote with 10 Instagram Stories. These stories informed about all features of the Electric Mustang.

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Ebru Çil

Editor of Marketing Birds website. She is doing master degree in marketing at Izmir Katip Celebi University. She graduated from Faculty of Administrative and Economics Sciences at Ege University.

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