Digital Marketing 2021: Trends You Need To Know

1 min

In this era dominated by digital transformation, companies absolutely must keep up with digital marketing trends to achieve their business goals and develop their relationships with customers. Keeping up with the new trends is critical to growing your business and meeting your sales goals. In the climate of total uncertainty that the global pandemic has brought with it, great opportunities have arisen that have become accelerators of digital transformation. Keep reading if you want to know the trends in digital marketing in 2021! Don’t forget to follow Marketing Birds to avoid missing out on similar shares. IG: @marketingbirds

  1. 1 Influencer Marketing

    With a large number of users often being inspired by influencers to make a purchase, businesses should use their growing popularity to increase engagement and leads. In 2021, brands continue to promote their products through brand ambassadors on visual platforms such as Instagram, TikTok, Youtube, and Facebook.

  2. 2 Changes In Social Media

    image: timrclevenger

    The world is becoming more and more connected: this is why social media is particularly important for those who want to attract potential customers and retain them. However, these platforms are saturated with content. In 2021, the public continues to demand full transparency from the brands they interact with online, so the information provided must be clear, accurate, and always in line with the brand's message. Changes that appear noticeable: Live streams are becoming more popular; Stories, such as Instagram Stories, are getting more attention so they need to be well organized and unique; Ads in business platforms are inevitable.

  3. 3 SEO

    image: oberlo

    SEO (Search Engine Optimization) is a process aimed at achieving the best position by a website in free search results for selected phrases and keywords. SEO has always been essential to creating an effective digital marketing strategy. So what can we expect from SEO in 2021? The ever-changing nature of SEO is drawing attention to some key trends, such as understanding the audience's intent and the questions they ask and the queries posed through voice-activated devices such as Alexa, Siri, and Google.

  4. 4 Video Marketing

    image: askmedigi

    2020 saw video marketing gain enormous popularity. In 2021, this trend continues, as textual content does not have the same power as video in attracting, engaging, and entertaining audiences. Thanks to the involvement of artificial intelligence, influencers, and live streaming, it is possible to create a powerful visual tool that increases engagement.

  5. 5 Omni-channel

    image: X-cart

    Omni-channel is nothing more than the synergistic management of the various interaction channels between the company and the consumer to optimize the consumer experience. The contact points are the assets available to the company to build a relationship along the purchasing process (advertising, pre-sale, payment, and post-sale). They can be physical (retail, call center) or online (social media, mobile app, e-commerce site). The integrated management of these points of contact is the basis of an omnichannel strategy.

  6. 6 Conversational Marketing

    image: Contentsia

    Physical distancing and the absence of connections have brought out the need to find new forms of dialogue between companies and users and have made them aware of the importance of conversations as a form of bond. Today, more than ever, consumers are increasingly looking for a one-to-one relationship with companies, which makes their customer experience even more meaningful and personalized, making them understand how fundamental the role of conversational marketing is.

  7. 7 Chatbots

    Digitization and technological progress has also been confirmed in 2021 as valid allies to enhance digital conversational marketing strategies: the use of chatbots and new technologies such as Voice over Internet Protocols (VoIP). Chatbots have changed the way companies interact with consumers, making possible new forms of assistance and dialogue-free of time and space limits and increasingly customizable.

  8. 8 E-commerce… But Not Only

    image: ecommercegermany

    The term e-commerce, which literally means electronic commerce, is entering our lives more frequently, with an exponentially greater share every year of people shopping online. E-commerce is the virtual version of markets, shops, megastores, etc. A market where all kinds of sales can be found, from physical goods and services such as objects, even food, to virtual products and services such as software, apps, and even the hugely popular e-books, books that do not require a single page of printed paper.


    The previous year was characterized by communication strategies and techniques to cope with the problems caused by Covid-19. Now that society is adapting to the new normal and we are in a phase of change, the communication style must be innovative but at the same time organized and redirected to new contexts. In fact, new trends in marketing and digital communication are emerging that must be studied, deepened, and applied in order to keep up with the changes and differentiate themselves from the competition.

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Armela Tusha

- Student of Collegium Civitas in Warsaw, Poland. -Studying Public Relations, Marketing & New Media.

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