Sustainability News: Mango, Levi’s and Volvo Cars

Brands are being more and more supportive, as awareness about nature increases. Here we see three such campaigns.. 1 min

Hola green hearts!

All of us are going through difficult times, as the COVID-19 pandemic shows how important “natural balance” is. Many brands have already started giving importance to green marketing in the last years, undertaking “sustainability” as a duty. Then during the pandemic, the market evolved around the new customer profile, which is now much more aware of the sources we are left with. Keeping up with these changes, brands paid even more attention to making the earth livable for many years to come. Three such steps taken by sustainable brands caught our attention, let’s take a look! Mango, Levi’s and Volvo Cars. Don’t forget to follow Marketing Birds to avoid missing out on similar shares. IG: @marketingbirds

As you might already know, we see new photoshoots on the websites of fashion brands, especially at times of seasonal change. However, if you click on Mango’s website, a fairly different manifest will be waiting for you.

Clicking to see more details, we see a declaration stating their determination about being a sustainable brand, before even being one. This is a big responsibility, with a strong base —they also share a six-step roadmap to prove their commitment.

Another successful ad emphasizing climate changes and sustainability has come from the manufacturer of “ the safest cars in the world,” a.k.a. Volvo Cars. We're already pretty curious how they test the resilience and safety of their cars, and they reveal their routine safety tests in this commercial.

As well as a very striking turn of events in the ad, “climate change” being the ultimate test proves how much they care about sustainability. Why don’t we switch to electrical cars? They are not only questioning it, they also make us question. Just a quick search on their website reveals their transparency on ultimate aims, future projects, and target market.

Another ad with the message “better clothes, better choices, better planet” is brought up recently, by Levi's. In this campaign, the ideas of sustainability and manufacturing nature-friendly products are combined with a good sense of fashion. Through this lovely and peaceful ad, they tell their story of being a better brand, making a basic and good example for green marketing. What a joy to see the steps taken for a livable planet!

It feels like there’s still some hope for the future of the planet! Even though their importance is realized very late, green marketing and sustainable consumptions are crucial ideas and campaigns that we need to see more of and apply in our daily lives.

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Birsen Kargın

Graduated in Business Administration and Management from Ege University. Greatly interested in creative advertisement and green marketing. Aspires to make a positive difference in the world, working on projects that positively impact people's lives and create change.

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