Social Media Statistics 2019: Top Networks By Number of Users

1 min

Want to know which social media networks and apps are the most popular in 2019? 

Social media has changed the world. We can say that it has the most populous population in the world. We spend most of our time here anymore. What applications do we use most? How much do we share a post on average? How much time do we spend on social media? We wondered and wanted to research and share it with you 🙂

Based on the findings, We’ve also ranked each network (1-10) according to the active user base and usage data.

Have fun 🙂

Source: Dustin Stout

  1. 1 Facebook

    Facebook was founded by Mark Zuckerberg and launched in 2004. Now, after 15 years of existence, Facebook has become, by far, the largest social network in the world.

  2. 2 YouTube

    YouTube was created by Steve Chen, Chad Hurley and Jawed Karim in 2005. It’s considered the 3rd most popular website worldwide.

  3. 3 WhatsApp

    It was founded by Jan Koum and Brian Acton in 2009 and later bought by Facebook in 2014.

  4. 4 Instagram

    Instagram was created by Mike Krieger and Kevin Systrom in 2010. It had been since acquired by Facebook in 2012.

  5. 5 Twitter

    Twitter was founded by Jack Dorsey, Biz Stone, and Evan Williams in March of 2006. It has become one of the most popular go-to sources for what’s happening in the world in real-time.

  6. 6 Reddit

    Reddit is a discussion and web content rating website. It was founded by Alexis Ohanian and Steve Huffman from the University of Virginia in 2005.

  7. 7 LinkedIn

    LinkedIn is a professional networking service that was founded in 2002 but later launched in 2003. That's why is officially the oldest social network on this list.

  8. 8 Snapchat

    Snapchat is a multimedia mobile application that was created by Bobby Murphy, Evan Spiegel and Reggie Brown in 2011. It started as a private messaging app that gave users the ability to create “snaps” or messages that would be automatically deleted after being viewed.

  9. 9 Pinterest

    Pinterest is a mobile application that enables you to find information on the World Wide Web. It was founded by Evan Sharp, Ben Silbermann and Paul Sciarra in 2010.

    It took some time for Pinterest to get on the social media marketing map, but it eventually showed itself to be a very powerful traffic driver.

  10. 10 Tumblr

    This is a microblogging and social networking website that was launched in 2007 by David Carp. It’s gone through a lot of evolutions, acquisitions, and changes. It’s also developed a unique culture of users.

Topic: Social Media Statistics

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Emine Kuzören

Former Editor and Social Media Manager of Marketing Birds. She is doing master degree in marketing at Izmir Katip Celebi University. She likes writing about guerrilla marketing and packaging design. If you would like to send your creative works to her, say hi via email or on Instagram.

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