10 Ramadan Ads and Campaigns Published by Top Brands

1 min

Brands use every opportunity to communicate with customers, and Ramadan is one of the best ways to win Muslims’ hearts since it is the holy month of the year in Islamic belief. We selected the most creative Ramadan ads and campaigns published over the years. 😊👇

  1. 1 McDonald's

    The iconic french fries placed like two hands doing a prayer.

  2. 2 Nivea

    The meticulously placed cap is resembling the crescent of Ramadan.

  3. 3 Burger King

    Burger King illustrates the crescent of Ramadan with its own way.

  4. 4 Spicy Village Restaurant

    Instead of fries they used two forks to resemble two praying hands.

  5. 5 Oreo

    Our favorite cookie looking like an arabian lantern.

  6. 6 Volkswagen

    As we can see, the crescent of Ramadan is very vital in these ads. Volkswagen also attempts to do the same while lightning the road the car hypothetically drives through.

  7. 7 Crystal Frying Oil

    The food resembles the crescent of Ramadan when the frying pan is flipped.

  8. 8 Apple

    When the AirPod is flipped, it looks like the Ramadan cannon.

  9. 9 Oasis

    These water bottles look like a mosque.

  10. 10 Corbani (Dentistry)

    This dental clinic shows the crescent of Ramadan but shaped like the Hollywood smile.

Topic: Ramadan Ads and Campaigns

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Fatima Awada

A marketing student at the Lebanese American University. Believes life is a creative process and is also an aspiring creative director. Future content creator maven. For features/inquires: [email protected]

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