6 Mind-Blowing Tricks That Advertisers Use In Food Ads

Basically, for our entire lives, we have been lied to. 1 min

Hello everyone! We should definitely accept that we are all impressed by many ads. The ads sometimes seem unbelievable, right? Today, we are here to share some of Mind-Blowing Tricks That Advertisers Use In Food Ads. Let’s get started! 🙂

  1. 1 Burger Polish

    Ever wonder why your burger doesn't look like that? Grab some shoe polish and apply on the grill lines, and there you go a toxic juicy looking burger!

  2. 2 Potato Ice cream 😝

    When advertisers want to photograph ice cream there are all these lights and that causes the ice cream to melt. To avoid mishaps as such, they use potato puree with food colouring.

  3. 3 Cotton balls for steam

    You think a plate will let steam out for 3 minutes of an ad? Well, think again because that heat is actually produced by microwaved cotton balls. They are strategically placed behind the star plate and left to steam for hours.

  4. 4 Strawberries shinier than your future

    I'd be damned if I have seen strawberries like the ones in ads in my local grocery shop.

     I guess my local grocery shop doesn't go spraying hairspray on fruit like they do in ads! 🍓✨

  5. 5 So how do you take your milk?

     So how do you take your milk? Is it cold? warm?  or glue like they use in ads? 

    Ads for cereal use glue instead of milk because that way the cereal can stay at the top and won't sink.

  6. 6 Bubbly drinks!!

    Look at that drink. So refreshing with all those bubbles at the top. You could tell the gas is fresh. Well if you like liquid dish soap be my guest because that is what those bubbles are made of. 

Topic: Mind-Blowing Tricks about Ads

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Fatima Awada

A marketing student at the Lebanese American University. Believes life is a creative process and is also an aspiring creative director. Future content creator maven. For features/inquires: [email protected]

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