7 Bus Ads that Will Make You Look Twice ✔️

1 min

Ads are always indispensable campaigns that are designed for companies. Today, we are here to share 7 bus ads that will make you look twice. Let’s take a look! 🙂

  1. 1 The New Dr. Best Flexible

    A simple but effective way to demonstrate the product feature.

  2. 2 Air Travel at Land Travel Fares

    Everyone cannot get on the plane because of a financial situation or fear. However, Air India express transforms your bus seat into a plane seat. It is very creative and clever ad. 

  3. 3 Watch Yourself Change

  4. 4 Airport Bus

    It is an another creative ad and looks so nice when viewed from the right angle.

  5. 5 All Laundry Detergent

  6. 6 Giant Skateboard

    Giant skateboard painted on a bus promotes X Games extreme sports event.

  7. 7 📸

    Notice: Undefined index: html in /home/themarket/public_html/wp-content/plugins/zombify/includes/embeds/embed.php on line 110

    A good one from our Instagram page. 😉

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Gülcan Arslan

She is studying International Trade & Marketing at Izmir Katip Celebi University and doing Erasmus intern in Germany. Mostly, she likes writing about video ads. If you would like to contact her, say hi via email or on Instagram.

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