MAX Burgers – Who’s In The Mood For Some Burgers, Emojis And Green ?

1 min

Emojis are quite popular among people. But, do you think that they are all the same while working on devices? Of course, they not the same, yet they are similar. And today, we are here to share burger’s emojis. Let’s get started! 🙂

June 2018, the Swedish fast food chain MAX Burgers launched their expanded line of green burgers across their 130 restaurants and also released a green burger emoji kit to encourage the consumers to make healthier choices. MAX went into the debate of the hamburger emoji that was happening a while ago and changed the topic by pointing out that the discussion should be about the meat being a bigger issue in the burger industry rather than where the cheese is put on the hamburger emoji. This amazing and smart campaign was made by the Agency: ACNE.

Topic: Who’s In The Mood For Some Burgers? Burger Emojis with tiny differences.

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Pauline Khalil

She is studying Marketing & Advertising at Saint Joseph University and perusing her masters in Communication and Product Development. She's passionate about her major and loves creativity. Please don't hesitate to contact her if you would like to show your creative work, say Hello via email.

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