5 Amazingly Creative Examples of Experiential Marketing 💯

1 min

Here are some great examples of experiential marketing! Read till the end to watch the surprise bonus.😍

  1. 1 T-Mobile Angry Birds 🐧

    Wanna play the real Angry Birds?😜 Here is an amazing game platform designed by Angry Birds to play it really, I mean REALLY!😝

  2. 2 Coca Cola 007 James Bond Experience 🌚

    Coca Cola made an extremely exciting experience for the ones getting coke from a vending machine 💯 Quick lesson 👉 Always do sports😜

  3. 3 Augmented Reality in a Different Way 👌

    National Geographic created this great experience with a small trick called augmented reality which makes you live the "REAL" 😉💯

  4. 4 Smart Pong Game 🎾

    Woah😲 Smart created a game played with REAL cars to show how its cars accelerate very quickly👌

  5. 5 The First Poster Accepts Credit Cards 💰

    You can make donations by using this billboard. 👏👏

  6. 6 A Funny Bonus! 😜

    Here is the creativity! Love this funny and creative announcement by a flight attendant 😅 

Topic: Experiential Marketing

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Ezgi Erentürk

Former Social Media Manager of Marketing Birds. Now, living in Germany and doing masters in International Business. Love marketing to reach people via innovative communication tools. Don't hesitate to contact with her!✌️

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