6 Fundamental And Proved Restaurant Marketing Strategies

1 min

Starting your own restaurant is relatively easy, especially if you already have experience in the industry. However, the ability to survive and succeed in the long run is a completely different story. Around 60% of restaurants don’t make it past the first year, and around 80% fail within five. And this was prior to the recent COVID-19 pandemic and its impact on restaurants. Restaurant marketing strategies.

Going into 2022, the restaurant industry continues to face challenges and you need to adapt to the current climate and refresh your marketing strategies to stay competitive. To help you out, we’ve compiled a list of 6 fundamental and proven restaurant marketing strategies to boost revenue and get more new customers through the doors. Don’t forget to follow Marketing Birds to avoid missing out on similar shares. IG: @marketingbirds

Prioritize Local SEO

Being listed on the first page of Google search results could have a massive impact on your restaurant visits and revenue and can help you establish authority. So, local search engine optimization should be among the top priorities for restaurant marketing.

Find the keywords that your target audience is using to search for restaurants in your area, and then build original, entertaining, and compelling content around them. Make sure that keywords flow naturally in the content and don’t feel forced. Additionally, get your restaurant listed in reputable local business listings that would link back to you.

Optimize Google My Business

Optimizing Google My Business is a vital restaurant marketing tactic as it allows you to advertise your restaurant and attract new customers for free. It’s fundamental to provide correct and updated information about your restaurant, including phone number and operating hours, as businesses that verify their information with GMB are twice as likely to be considered reputable among customers.

Moreover, write a compelling and informative description that highlights what sets your restaurant apart and communicates your core offerings. Likewise, add the menu, reservation link, and high-quality visuals of the most appealing dishes or the restaurant’s atmosphere. Finally, encourage customers to leave you reviews and respond to them promptly.

Get More Reviews Online

The power of customer reviews is undeniable as they pop up in the search results when potential customers are searching for a restaurant online. Based on the social proof, potential customers are likely to make up their minds about the restaurant’s quality even before checking up the website or visiting the location itself.

Given the immense influence of customer reviews, it’s important to stay on top of your ratings and reviews. Beyond Google, focus on collecting more reviews in popular review sites like TripAdvisor and Yelp. Send your customers a text or email to remind them how important their reviews are for you, follow up to thank them for their feedback, and respond to all reviews (even negative ones) in a polite and professional manner.

Leverage Social Media Marketing

Social platforms should be used to build an online presence, attract more customers, and engage with your clientele. Some of the best social media tips for restaurants include establishing a cohesive brand voice, promoting seasonal menus, sharing user-generated content, engaging with users, and showcasing the working culture at your restaurant.

Additionally, consider using paid promotions and take the social game to the next level. Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter have excellent tools for paid promotions so you can easily identify your target audience, set up a campaign, and monitor results. The best thing is, you can run promotions for as low as $5. Finally, take social media to organize contests and giveaways. They are excellent for engaging your audience, attracting new customers, and getting free user-generated content.

Create a Loyalty Program

A loyalty program should be designed to reward your devoted customers. Customers are more likely to dine at a restaurant where they’ll receive rewards, so loyalty programs could be extremely profitable.

To create a successful loyalty program that will attract more customers through the door, you need to think about what your customer base would want while also keeping in mind what would make sense for your business. It could be something as simple as discount coupons or free menu items, but also a functional store credit card or access to exclusive events and services.

Don’t Forget Email Marketing

Email marketing continues to be one of the top restaurant marketing strategies. The first step is to get as many subscribers as possible. Add a simple and prominently displayed sign-up form on your website and consider adding an incentive, such as a free drink, to all new subscribers.

You should then create attractive newsletters to keep in touch with your customers, inform them of new menu releases, and other newsworthy updates. Occasionally, make sure to include a special offer, a coupon, or discount to entice readers to visit.

In Conclusion

The pandemic has brought many changes to the restaurant industry, challenging restaurant owners to refine and adapt their marketing efforts. While the traditional marketing tactics are still valuable, the focus should be on the fundamental and proven restaurant marketing strategies outlined above. That being said, the key to success is to ensure that customers and customer satisfaction are at the front and center of your marketing strategy.

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