How To Make A Killer Intro Video That Grabs Attention

1 min

Companies these days have very few seconds when it comes to grabbing viewers’ attention. This applies not only to videos but even to the other forms of content companies use for business promotion.

Modern-day viewers have short attention spans mainly because of their busy work schedules. They don’t have a lot of time in hand to go through lengthy videos that don’t bring them anything exciting or relevant.

Therefore, for companies using videos for marketing, it has become crucial to have killer, crisp, and concise video intros or opening shots. With more and more brands integrating videos in their marketing plans, it has become important for a business to capture the attention of potential customers quickly.

Short yet informative intro videos are the only way to get people in the target audience hooked until the end of your marketing video. Here are some tips that can help you out:

  1. 1 Use Captivating Thumbnails

    Companies have the option of grabbing the attention of their target audience even before their video begins by using a captivating cover image. Design an engaging thumbnail representing your video that entices a user to click on it.

    Work on making the image as intriguing as possible so that the viewer excitedly hits the Play button. If you really want your thumbnail to catch the attention of the viewers, make sure it remains consistent with the other video thumbnails used in the video series and feature either optional text or a high-resolution image that represents the content and colour of your brand as well as offers a bit of shock value.

    Your thumbnail should also feature a readable font so the viewers can see it easily, even on the small screen of their smartphones.

  2. 2 Consider the Length of Your Intro Video

    The best intro videos are the ones that fall between the 3 and 7-second mark. Of course, some high-performing intro videos can go above the 20 or 30-second mark. So, it's completely up to you to decide the length of your intro video. You can choose the best intro maker available to create those stunning intro videos.

    Generally, you can make your intro as long or as short as it needs to be. Avoid making it any longer or shorter than conventionally expected, though. Always keep in mind that viewers generally drop off videos with introductions more than 30-seconds long. This means that you'll lose viewers even before the main content of your video is played.

    To sum up, test and try out varying lengths to understand what works best for your video and your company. A good idea here is to start short and then lengthen the intro incrementally as the need arises.

  3. 3 Consider the Target Audience

    As is the case with any content that you're publishing online, it's important to consider the target audience. Look at this idea from varied angles. Consider the audience right from the planning stage, as this will help you come up with topic and content ideas for your intro video.

    The best way is to communicate with them in the video introduction. Highlight their wants or needs and tell them how your products and services will fulfill their requirements and desires. Also, tell them how your video can help them solve their problems.

    Remember, the most influential business videos consider their audience even before they're published on Instagram, Facebook, and other social media platforms.

  4. 4 Be Concise, Be Clear

    Don't take too long to say or show what your video's all about. You can include music or text in your intro video, but that doesn't mean it should make the shot very lengthy. Design it to make the viewers anticipate what they'll get to see further in the video.

    When you're starting your video, you cannot afford to fumble with words in the introduction. Your straightforward and crisp intro video must cover who you are and what your video is all about in just 5 to 8 seconds.

    Give this time length a shot, and you'll surely end up making a killer intro video.

  5. 5 Inspire Emotion

    If you create a dull video that features a bland introduction, the viewers will not wait too long before clicking that back button and continuing their search for something better. Well, the key here is sharing captivating content that's as simple and authentic as possible.

    For this to happen, your video must establish a theme from the very beginning. Work on inspiring emotion in the viewers watching the video. You can do this in a number of ways, such as creating a relatable scenario or character, trying to get personal, or sharing your company's values in a way that the audiences relate to them.

    Use shock value to grab the viewers' attention to your exclusive intro. You can also use narratives and make the intro video from a first-person perspective. This will make the viewers feel that the video is speaking from their own point of view.

    Use visually appealing colours that are good at capturing emotions. For instance, red usually signifies danger, yellow depicts happiness, blue conveys sadness, and pink is used to represent love. Use colour theory to your advantage.

  6. 6 Focus on the Camera Angles, Sound, and Script

    Try capturing the most significant moments and details of the video with an exclusive stylistic flair. This will help you stick with the viewers and offer them what they want.

    Here, it's also important to have a very strong, enigmatic script. The words you use in your intro video should be informative, catchy, and helpful to the viewers from the very first second. Speaking of sound, whether you're using sound effects, music, voiceover, or other forms of audio, ensure that it perfectly fits your video's purpose and theme.

    If things get too difficult for you as a beginner making intro videos, it's best to use an online intro maker. Good quality intro makers feature templates, a stock library, and options to add motion graphics to videos to make them more attractive and appealing.


    Creating a video involves putting in a lot of effort. You can't let this effort go to waste by making a boring intro. Instead, take your video to the next level by creating short and interesting intros that compel viewers to remember you and keep coming back to you and your content for more!

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