7 Creative Christmas Ads That Will Attract You!

Merry Christmas to everyone! In this post, you will able to see creative 7 Christmas ads from famous brands. So let's start with our weekly post! 1 min

Hi marketing lovers! 

Our time is coming! By reason of Christmas, we’ll be able to see and watch creative Christmas ads. Kind of these times, as a group that fell in love with marketing, along with Christmas, we celebrate this day as a marketing holiday 😂😂

Before the beginning, if you want to check our posts that include creative Christmas ads, you can follow this link. Also, we want to send our thanks to Sense of Marketing’s LinkedIn account. If you want to check also what they share in their account, you can click this link

  1. 1 Hellman

    The first one is coming from Hellmann's. They tried to make a Santa Claus out of mayonnaise. In my opinion, it looks delicious😋😋

  2. 2 Mercedes-Benz

    This ad is our favorite. It's so understandable and creative. That's why we decided to add this one to our post. We hope that you also like this ad.😊😊

  3. 3 Faber-Castell

    As most of you know, Faber-Castell is a company that produces stationery. In this ad, they used their product to celebrate Christmas. And if you ask us, we liked it! 

  4. 4 Champion

    The fourth one is coming from Champion. They used one of the sweatshirts' to make a Christmas tree.

  5. 5 Toblerone

    The most delicious one! As a group that chocolate lovers, this one made us a little hungry😂😂

  6. 6 Toyota

    Toyota used its keys to make a Christmas ornament. It looks more expensive than other ornaments😂😂

  7. 7 Publicis Singapore

    The last one is coming from Asia. Publicis Singapıre created a Christmas tree that looks well.

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