7 Ways to Utilize Social Media to Grow Your Business

In this article, we are going to look at 7 ways you can use social media to grow and expand your business. 1 min

If you’re not convinced about the power that social media has, we’re here to convince your otherwise. Approximately 82% of the population in the United States has a social media account. Moreover, 6 out of 10 people on the planet have a social network profile.

Since your customers are probably already using social media, that means that it should be an essential part of the marketing strategy of your brand.

  1. 1 Leverage Different Platforms

    You need to learn and adapt to all the different social media platforms at your disposal. Some of the popular ones include Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, TikTok, LinkedIn, Pinterest, and Snapchat. Don’t make assumptions about which platforms your audience is using.

    For example, even though you might think that TikTok isn’t the right platform for your brand because you have an older audience, there are plenty of brands with an audience outside Gen Z that are experimenting with this platform. If you don’t have the time to put the effort into yourself, you can hire a specialized agency to provide you with a TikTok booster to help you build your community with real and quality users.

    In Germany, specifically, Facebook happens to be the most widely used social media platform to engage with German consumers when considering your social media strategy as per consumer market insights for Germany.

  2. 2 Be Consistent

    It is critical to maintain consistency with your content. When people follow you on social media platforms, they expect to see your posts, and you need to give them what they want. Schedule how often and when you will publish posts in order to meet the needs of your customers. Posting 2 to 3 times per day is the best strategy.

  3. 3 Pay Attention to Trends

    When we say that you should pay attention to trends, we don’t mean that you should hop on every meme that goes viral. But instead, you should keep an eye on ongoing trends since this will help you create content that is relatable and resonates with your audience. Make sure that you consider the current needs of your audience, since the content that worked last year might not work today.

  4. 4 Improve SEO Ranking

    Social media can improve your search engine ranking. Now, you may be wondering how this is done. The answer is that when the social media share rate increases, the domain authority of your website increases as well. Furthermore, more visitors on your social media profiles will increase your social media ranking, and improve your chances of appearing among the top-ranked pages.

  5. 5 Use Videos

    You will notice that your feed on almost any social media platform is full of video content instead of images and text. The algorithms have changed over time and they now prefer video content over other formats of content. Studies have shown that 54% of consumers want to see more videos from a business or brand they support.

    There are plenty of ways you can use videos to keep your audience growing. Some ideas include showing your followers what it’s like to work for your business through the experience of employees, documenting your next product launch, sharing a behind-the-scenes look at your life, and so on.

  6. 6 Build Relationships

    One of the unique perks of having social media accounts for your business is that it allows you to talk directly to followers and customers. Rather than asking for a sale upfront, you can build a relationship with them over time.

    About 54% of users use social media to research products. Part of that research is getting to know the brand that manufactures the product and what they stand for. When people engage with your ads or organic content, it’s always a smart move to engage back. This helps in forming a loyal following and building trust.

    Nurturing relationships can also lead to ongoing sales over time by building a loyal community. Even though acquiring new customers is great, you shouldn’t forget about the value customer retention has.

  7. 7 Provide Benefits

    A sure way to grow your business through social media is by providing them benefits. For instance, if you offer marketing services, you can provide them with a discount code or a free trial. If you have a blog, you can provide them with a free eBook. People love getting free stuff, so make it engaging and fun, and your business will definitely gain from it.

    Final Thoughts

    So, these are some of the ways you can use social media to help your business grow. What’s essential in using social media to expand your business is the willingness to experiment until you find what works best, so don’t be shy to try out different strategies.

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