4 Popular Brands That Entered The Metaverse

Innovation is the most dynamic word in the world. To prove this, today we will talk about the "metaverse" and brands that join this world. 1 min

”Metaverse”  This word is the last gift of technology to humanity. And as you know, brands want to get into this universe and prepare themselves for this transformation. Some of brands can do that but some of them can’t. That’s why, we wanted to write a post about brands in Metaverse. As you guess,we’ve already wrote about metaverse.If you want to check that post,you can check the link Also if you want to know what’s happening in marketing universe, you can follow  Marketing Birds on Instagram.

  1. 1 Walmart

    Daily necessities never change even the reality changes 💁‍♂️. Walmart that know this started their transformation. 🛒And if you ask me they can leading for other markets. Maybe in near future, markets can competete each other with this way.

  2. 2 Samsung

    When you said Samsung in any part of the World, as you guess you will hear things about the innovative things they already did or they will do. They were already got used to this universe. 🚀As we said in Walmart, Samsung's entering can leading for other mobile phone brands like Apple or another mobile phone brands.

  3. 3 Xbox

    I tried the Xbox 360 with its cameras when the technology wasn't that advanced. It was incredible to me as a child. After all this time, the Xbox still amazes and impresses me. Of course they have lacks but even this lacks they catched up this innovation in all around the World. I really respect them for being innovative. 

  4. 4 Nike

    Probably most of us use shoes and other products of Nike. They're constantly improving and keeping up with every innovation around the world. Therefore, as I said with Xbox, I'd like to say the same for Nike. 👟 They are always catching innovations. And with this way, they didn't miss anything in all around of the World. We should respect them ! 

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Arda Sanıl Onay

Editor of The Marketing Birds' website. He is studying International Trade & Business at Izmir Katip Celebi University. He likes writing about outdoor advertising and innovations about marketing. If you would like to send your creative works to him, say hi via e-mail or on Instagram.

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