9 Extraordinary Creative But Gross Advertisements

1 min

Although gross ads are not preferred much, no one can say that it is not effective. This annoying and creative marketing method makes an impression in consumers’ minds. These ads are imprinted on people’s minds like guerilla marketing but the effects are not the same because of is felt to disturbed us. Thus, we can not forget them. You get curious, don’t you? Very well then, let’s taken a dip in these creative and gross advertisements.

  1. 1 Pedigree - Fresher Breath Than Yours

  2. 2 Xpec3 - Daddy, It Hurts!

  3. 3 Bare - Stay Down Longer

  4. 4 Nasacort Allergy - Take Back Your Nose

  5. 5 Schick - Free Your Skin

  6. 6 Sony - Playstation 3

  7. 7 Aquafresh Flexigel - A New Flexibility

  8. 8 Pilates With Gerda - Carrying Too Much Weight?

  9. 9 Snickers - 50% Extra

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