7 Famous Car Logos and Their Amazing Stories

1 min

The car manufacturers’ logos represent the company and its automakers. Almost all of us can recognize the logos of car brands when we see it, but do we know the remarkable stories behind these logos? I collected the little known stories about the logos of car brands for you.

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    Maserati inspired the fountain pool logo in Bologna, where the two brothers were born. Also affected by Neptune being the God of earthquakes, storms, and horses, the brothers also chose the triple-forked spear as their logo. 

  2. 2 PORSCHE

    The black horse on Porsche's logo comes from the coat of arms of the city of Stuttgart, Germany. The red and black stripes with the antler of the deer are a quote from the streamer of the village of Württemberg, Germany.

  3. 3 FERRARI

    At the top of the logo is the flag of Italy, while the yellow color that makes up the font is the color of the city of Modena. The first letters of the Scuderia Ferrari also took their place in the logo. As for the story of the black horse that stands out most in the logo: Countess Paolina, the mother of a pilot who died during World War I, tells Enzo Ferrari to use the horse figure on his son's plane in their cars and it will bring him good luck. Ferrari, listening to the word of the pilot's mother, begins to use the Black Horse in its logo. The reason a black horse is not used in the logo is that it is a symbol of mourning for the heroic pilot.

  4. 4 McLAREN

    McLaren's original logo symbolized kiwi birds in New Zealand, the hometown of Bruce McLaren, the brand's founder. In the 1980s, a new design of double-cornered lanes was introduced, which also referred to Marlboro, one of the main sponsors of the F1 team. In 1997, a single angular stripe with a different design became the brand's new logo. And then it took its present form. McLaren also said that with the new logo, we no longer have a connection to Marlboro.

  5. 5 AUDI

    The company's founder, August Horch, had left the company, where he gave his own surname, and the use of the same name was forbidden again. Later, August's son suggested the name Audi, saying it means the same as Horch in Latin. The 4 rings with the Audi logo represent the four car companies (Audi, DKW, Horch, and Wanderer) that merged in Germany in 1932 to form a powerful union. Silver also comes from Germany's national race color.

  6. 6 BMW

    BMW, an acronym for the Bavarian Motor Works name, was first only producing aircraft. So the blue sections on the inside of the logo symbolize the sky, while the White sections make up the plane's propeller. Another claim is that the blue and white colors on the logo come from the colors of the state of Bavaria.


    Karl Benz, the founder of Mercedes-Benz, has placed a star figure on top of his house overlooking the engine factory Deutz and Cologne, and in a letter to his wife, he mentioned that this star will one day represent success and strength. In addition, Karl Benz used the name of his only daughter, "Mercedes", when he could not find the name. Although there have been changes to the logo over the years, the star symbolizing the idea of “on land, in the air, in the water” has become permanent.

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Sinem Basman

She is studying Department of Business Administration at Izmir Katip Celebi University. She works as a social media consultant at Graphia Design. She is also a volunteer social media consultant to The Faculty of Economics and Administrative Sciences of Izmir Katip Celebi University. She likes writing about creative ads, packaging design and guerrilla marketing. If you want to contact her for creative content, ideas and other business matters, you can say hi via e-mail or Instagram.

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