The Best New Year Ads From Famous Brands 🎄🎁

1 min

Hello Again, 2020 was a very difficult year for the whole world. Pandemic, wildfires, global warming really pushed the psychology of all of us and the patience of all of us. I hope 2021 will be a very beautiful and healthy year for the whole world. We are very close to entering 2021. I wish everyone health and peace in the New Year. First rule of 2021, don’t talk about 2020! 😄

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  1. 1 Barilla 🍝


    Create a fireworks image from pasta? That's a great idea.

  2. 2 Domino's Pizza 🍕

    Any of you eat pizza with a fork? If we all eat pizza by hand, who came up with the idea? 

  3. 3 McDonald's 🍦

    They always said Santa was so cute. I think it's as sweet as ice cream!

  4. 4 Starbucks 🧋☕

    A year without coffee was unthinkable. I want to decorate a Christmas tree made of cream, like sprinkling cinnamon on it.

  5. 5 Publicis Singapore

  6. 6 United Colors of Benetton 👕👖👗🩳

    How happy I'd be if someone bought me a dress as a new year's present. Wool sweaters, colorful berets. Make Christmas trees out of their hangers? This new year's tree is for me. For those who love shopping, take a selfie with this tree!

  7. 7 Pringles 🎄🌟

    A celebration without chips and snacks is unthinkable. Pringle Bells, Pringle Bells! 🌟

  8. 8 Stihl

  9. 9 Clinique

  10. 10 McDonald's 🍟🍟

    My favorite thing in life is french fries. This is exactly what my door ornament should be like in the New Year. Order me an order, I'll enter the New Year with french fries! Let's meet you on healthy days by eating potatoes, welcome 2021!

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Sinem Basman

She is studying Department of Business Administration at Izmir Katip Celebi University. She works as a social media consultant at Graphia Design. She is also a volunteer social media consultant to The Faculty of Economics and Administrative Sciences of Izmir Katip Celebi University. She likes writing about creative ads, packaging design and guerrilla marketing. If you want to contact her for creative content, ideas and other business matters, you can say hi via e-mail or Instagram.

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