The Most Liked Ads We Shared on Instagram (May, 2018)

1 min

Hey guys! As you know we are on social media! We often publish some interesting marketing strategies, ads and campaigns that are related to brands or services. Today, we are here to share some of our most liked ads that we shared on Instagram. Let’s get started! 🙂

  1. 1 Netherland tulips! 🌷😍

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  2. 2 McDonald's - Smart usage of a bus stop 😉👏

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  3. 3 Nescafe - Wake up to life ☕️☕️

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  4. 4 A or B? 😋

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  5. 5 McDonald's Turkey - Free Coffee For Cold Hands Campaign ❤️

    Notice: Undefined index: html in /home/themarket/public_html/wp-content/plugins/zombify/includes/embeds/embed.php on line 110

Topic: Most Liked Ads We Shared on Instagram

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