Coca-Cola to launch First Coke-branded Energy Drink

1 min

No longer content to be the cause of just small caffeine highs across the country, finally Coca-Cola is rolling out its first Coke-branded energy drink in the US in 2020.

On Tuesday, the company announced that Coca-Cola Energy, the first energy drink under the Coca-Cola brand, will come to the US on January 2020.

The energy drink will launch with four flavors:

  1.  Coca-Cola Energy,
  2. Coca-Cola Energy Zero Sugar
  3. Coca-Cola Energy Cherry
  4. Coca-Cola Energy Cherry Zero Sugar

Janki Gambhir, a Coca-Cola brand director, described the launch as the Coca-Cola brand’s “The first foray outside of the traditional cola category”

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Why is Coca-Cola only now getting into the energy drink game?

“People are busier than ever. They don’t just work from 9 to 5 and call it a day. Their lives are full, and they’re doing so many more things after ‘work,’ ” Coca-Cola brand director Janki Gambhir said in a statement, correctly identifying the curse of productivity and eroding work-life balance so endemic to late-stage capitalist hell.

 “Coke Energy offers great-tasting energy to do the things they need to do, but also the things they want to do.”

This is a great example of Coke-Branded Energy Drink Marketing, isn’t it? 😀

                 What do you think about this new product of Coca-Cola

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Emine Kuzören

Former Editor and Social Media Manager of Marketing Birds. She is doing master degree in marketing at Izmir Katip Celebi University. She likes writing about guerrilla marketing and packaging design. If you would like to send your creative works to her, say hi via email or on Instagram.

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