8 Email Marketing Tips You Need to Know

1 min

Email marketing takes an important place in online marketing. The email is sent with corporate design in order to reach the target audience determined by the company. Unfortunately, many companies don’t know how to do it. If you want to know email marketing tips, you are in the right place.

  1. 1 Here Is The Greatest Tip: Write Attractive Subject Lines

    The subject line has the greatest role in email marketing. Your target decides open, ignore or delete email according to your subject line. They perhaps mark it spam. Thus, you should make an allure subject line. You will use strong words or inspire sentences. Shortly you must attract the attention of your target market.

  2. 2 Choose Your Target Group

    Who do you want to reach? Young, old, rich, the well-educated class… Firstly, you choose your target group. Otherwise, you burn daylight.

  3. 3 Use Every Occasion For Your Advantage

    You have great opportunities like birthdays, anniversaries, important days. You have to take every opportunity for your advantage.

  4. 4 Timing is Everything

    If you send too many emails, your target group will feel uncomfortable. However, if you send very few emails, it might make your target would feel unimportant. So, you must find the balance in terms of sending frequencies.

  5. 5 The Design Is Critical

    Before we buy something, we don’t scrutinize the content. If the package is eye-catching we then scrutinize the content. This situation also applies to email marketing. The reading rate is parallel to your design quality.

  6. 6 Specialise Your Email

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    People need to feel special. A customizable email attracts attention. You are connected with the target group.

  7. 7 Control and Analyze Your Results

    You should measure results like email content, clicking rates, stopped time. In this way, you notice your emails' mistakes. You will have the opportunity to get better. 

  8. 8 Keep The Text Short and Don’t Bore Anyone

    Many people desire to explain everything about the subject. But your email should be short, brief and clear. Anyone doesn’t want to come across with intensive information. When email was written too long, people don’t read or skip the email.

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Ebru Çil

Editor of Marketing Birds website. She is doing master degree in marketing at Izmir Katip Celebi University. She graduated from Faculty of Administrative and Economics Sciences at Ege University.

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