Latest Developments From Twitter and Whatsapp

1 min

It is a known fact, technology is constantly evolving. This week, 2 important apps announced their new updates. Latest Developments From Twitter and Whatsapp. We share the latest news on Twitter and Whatsapp… Let's read.

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Twitter - Fleet

You know, Snapchat invented the story feature. Then other applications like Facebook, Instagram, and WhatsApp started using it. On Wednesday, Twitter also announced the new story feature. But it is a little bit different than stories on other platforms. Yes, it is again disappearing in 24 hours, but people can share videos, gifs, tweets, images. Twitter's story feature is called Fleets. "Fleets disappear after 24 hours and don’t get retweets, likes, or public replies" explained by the Twitter group product manager. Thus, if people tweet something in Fleets, nobody will be able to retweet. So, it will bring some comfort.

Whatsapp - Dark Mode

Whatsapp introduced its dark mood with a new ad. We know, telephone light is annoying at night. First, our eyes are dazzled. Then we close our eyes automatically. Finally, we do not want to look at the telephone because of its light. So, the question was here: Where is the dark mood? WhatsApp answers it very well by showing this process in the ad. 👇

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