The Best, Hottest Tabasco Ads

1 min

Hello everyone, I’m Sinem and I’m new here. Today I will share some Tabasco Ads. There must be some of us who like hot sauce. When we eat bitter, we sweat, change color, and drink cold water. Now we’re gonna whine some ads about the hot sauce! Which ad the most burns the mouth? Hottest Tabasco Ads.

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  1. 1 Time To Burn 🚀🧨🔥

    Put your tongue in the line on fire! Tabasco is walking towards its destiny, burning our mouths! Join the community of people with flames coming out of their mouths.

  2. 2 Attention It's Burning 🥩🌶️🔥

    A highly innovative way of promoting your product using other's ads. Tabasco, a world-famous hot sauce made clever use of another ad in the magazine to demonstrate how hot it is.

  3. 3 Putting Out The Fire With Fire 🧯🌶️❤️

    The sauce looks like an extinguisher to showcase how hot the sauce is! How can you handle that bitterness when the sauce burns your mouth?

  4. 4 Tabasco Helps To Baby Dragons 🔥🌶️❤️

    Can we say that dragons owe it to Tabasco to spray fire from their mouths, or do you feel like you're blowing fire after eating Tabasco? Were baby dragons getting help from Tabasco?

  5. 5 Burning From The Heat 🌡️🔥

    It's the most burning sauce and the most bitter in the world! Non-believers can measure with their tongue. So, it is high tempered healthy.

  6. 6 Corn Or Popcorn? 🌽🍿

    Sometimes you want to eat corn with Tabasco, but one thing you forget is that when corn pops, it becomes popcorn. Tabasco is so hot it can make popcorn!

  7. 7 We Always Say That 🌭❤️🌶️

    We told you. You don't have to spend a lot of money on barbecues anymore, because Tabasco is so hot that you can cook your sausages without barbecues too!

  8. 8 Burn Mark 🔥🌶️❤️

    Does Tabasco burn enough to leave a burn mark on the table? If you have a Tabasco on your table, make sure your table doesn't burn. Protect your desk with the help of a pot stand, the firm may not accept responsibility because it has advertised!

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Sinem Basman

She is studying Department of Business Administration at Izmir Katip Celebi University. She works as a social media consultant at Graphia Design. She is also a volunteer social media consultant to The Faculty of Economics and Administrative Sciences of Izmir Katip Celebi University. She likes writing about creative ads, packaging design and guerrilla marketing. If you want to contact her for creative content, ideas and other business matters, you can say hi via e-mail or Instagram.

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