The Best “Burger King vs. Mcdonald’s Ads”

1 min

Hello Burger Lover

 🙋‍♀️🍔 Today we are with an article that makes us hungry 😋 McDonald’s and Burger King. In this industry, McDonald’s is older and has a wider fast food network around the world. Burger King that has a more dynamic and aggressive marketing strategy, claims their hamburgers are bigger and tastier. Between these two fast-food brands of competition increased over time and appear interesting advertisements and campaigns. Burger King vs Mcdonald’s Ads. Here are some of our favorite campaigns and ads. 👇👇😎

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Is It Far Or Near?

A traveling couple encounters the Burger King and Mcdonalds sign. The nearest Burger King restaurant is 258 km away, but Mcdonald's restaurant is only 5 km away. Our traveling couple prefers McDonald's and continues on their way. Burger King retaliated a legendary response to this ad.

In its reply to McDonald's, Burger King wanted to say;
Burger King argued that burgers are worth it to taste. Our traveling couple went 258 km for Burger King burgers. 👇

Ronald Is That You?

When McDonald's mascot Ronald was hungry, he went to Burger King. Because BK hamburgers taste better than McDonald's hamburgers .''It just better tastier.'' 😂


The location's costume is a ghostly McDonald's, covered with a sheet and BK said that  "Just kidding, we still flame grill our burgers" 

The answer comes immediately from McDonald's;
''Who wouldn't want to masquerade as McDonald's for Halloween when we are serving up treats like McCafe beverages, apple pies, and our world-famous fries.''

i'm lovin' it

This time the troll ad comes from McDonald's 👏  It cleverly explained that its burgers and French fries are delicious. Nobody can say no to McDonald's delicious burgers and fries. What about Burger King? Let's watch and see it 😂

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Yaren Dura

She is studying business at Izmir Katip Celebi University. She likes writing about creative ads, packaging design and guerrilla marketing. If you would like to send your creative works to her, say hi via email or on Instagram.

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