6 Gorgeous Chocolate Guerilla Marketing Ideas

1 min

Hi Chocolate Lovers,

Almost everyone loves chocolate. Who doesn’t love it? Chocolate is a mine of happiness, the reason for a smile. Come on, even the deceased Remus Lupin said:

Chocolate is the key to junk food. People love and take interest in chocolate to feel better. These brands sell happiness. Thus, chocolate advertisements should be more attractive, remarkable than other ads. So, guerilla marketing strategies fit these ads. Chocolate Guerilla Marketing. Being attractive and remarkable, sentimental ads are a common point in here. When this harmony combined, a great ad occurs. We selected the besties for you.

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  1. 1 Fill In The Blank

    Slogan and marketing are completely suiting. KitKat fills the blank to us. And we can fill this slogan without difficulty. This is the success of the slogan position. KitKat combined it with a creative guerilla strategy gorgeously.

  2. 2 Chocolate Doorbell

    This guerilla marketing is so cute, sweet, and unexpected. "Unexpected" word is a keyword. This means is the ad place on consumers' minds. Guerilla marketing's main goal is this. Also, this ad makes people smile and feels happy like chocolate. So, people want to eat more of each colorful M&M's buttons.

  3. 3 Spell Out What You Love

    Hershey's ad is genius, isn't it? After you spelled out, you learn what you love. This is a shrewd ad but people smile unavoidably.

  4. 4 No Wifi, Thanks KitKat

    Nowadays, people can not do anything or move around without the Internet. Continuously we need to control or check out our phone or tablet. KitKat came into play this point. KitKat's guerilla marketing attracted attention red -KitKat's red- park bench with "Free Zone" and "No Wifi" words. Of course, KitKat wanted to "have a break".

  5. 5 Wealth of M&M

    A stair full with colorful M&Ms. Formally this is, dreams become real. Depth, colors, and drawings are perfect. People's eyes are out on stalks. The ad's aim arrived at success.

  6. 6 Everyone's Desire; KitKat

    A supernatural hand comes out of the cloud and takes a KitKat. Did you remember anything in this ad? Like divine... Everyone needs to have a break.

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Ebru Çil

Editor of Marketing Birds website. She is doing master degree in marketing at Izmir Katip Celebi University. She graduated from Faculty of Administrative and Economics Sciences at Ege University.

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