8 Inspiring Shopping Bag Designs

1 min

We don’t usually notice shopping bags in our daily life. Shopping bags only carry our desired things, don’t they? Brands that use guerilla marketing well, show their own difference in everything. This includes shopping bags. Shopping bags are left behind by purchasing goods or services. People don’t give importance to them. But if a brand wants to be remembered and design a creative shopping bag, people will not forget the brand’s shopping bags and will carry these bags everywhere. So other people can also see, and the brand will reach more customers. It is a real success for a brand. Thus, we selected 8 inspiring shopping bag designs for you.

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  1. 1 YKM

    This shopping bag was designed by TBWA Agency. The shopping bag of YKM is simple, clear, and also clever. 

  2. 2 Fitness Company

    Gert Maehnicke designed the shopping bag for Fitness Company. It is a "strong" guerilla marketing, isn't it? 

  3. 3 Volkswagen

    Volkswagen's ad is brilliant. The shopping bag is like a car door. Volkswagen owners want to carry their part of the car everywhere. Lovely!

  4. 4 Hospital Santo Antonio

    Hospital ads usually have the same blue-white theme. However, the Hospital Santo Antonio followed the creative path.

  5. 5 Marvel Store

    The shopping bag of Marvel Store made a big impact with a simple touch. Of course, Marvel fans immediately notice images that belong to Wolverine.

  6. 6 Lego

    This shopping bag design is so clever and funny!

  7. 7 Greenpeace

    Greenpeace's guerilla marketing is sweet and emotional. The shopping bag fits easily.

  8. 8 Cup Noodle

    Who does not want to carry a noodle cup everywhere?

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Ebru Çil

Editor of Marketing Birds website. She is doing master degree in marketing at Izmir Katip Celebi University. She graduated from Faculty of Administrative and Economics Sciences at Ege University.

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