Aid Campaigns Dedicated To Earthquake Victims

We want to share a post about aid campaigns after 2 earthquakes happened in Turkey. On this occasion, we convey our best wishes to all earthquake victims in World. 1 min

Last week we did not share a post due to those who lost their lives due to the 7.7 and 7.6 magnitude earthquakes, the epicentre of which is in Turkey. These earthquakes were also felt in the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus, Syria, Iraq, Jordan, Israel, Egypt, and Lebanon. But most of the demolition happened in Turkey. 35,418 people passed away also 105,505 people were injured. Before continuing to our post, if you want to bear a hand with earthquake victims in Turkey, by clicking these links you can send your donations to earthquake victims.  Link 1Link 2.

  1. 1 Turkey - Kahramanmaraş

  2. 2 Croatia - Petrinja

  3. 3 Indonesia - Sulawesi

  4. 4 Nepal - Gorkha

  5. 5 Indonesia - Lombok

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