Repurpose Your Marketing Content With Digital Signage

Businesses are aware of the hundreds of different avenues available to them when it comes to online marketing, distribution, research and other key processes.3 min

It is fair to say that the online world has normalized to a certain extent. We don’t all rush off to Google to get answers, and we are not slaves to the limited world of Facebook. Even in these uncertain times, businesses are aware of the hundreds of different avenues available to them when it comes to online marketing, distribution, research and other key processes. We are all aware of how the internet works, we go to comparison websites for car insurance, review sites for movie reviews and so forth. However, creating regular content is not easy. That’s why it’s better to know how to repurpose your marketing content.

We Are The Online Generation

The world of online marketing methods has also normalized. Telling people to try Buffer or Hootsuite for their short-form social media marketing is no longer a eureka moment, it is a “Duh, well obviously” revelation. Even now, companies know that they can cut up their long-from YouTube material, re-edit it for Rumble, and cut it up for TikTok.

However, a new facet of modern marketing has reared its head. It is known as re-purposing online content to be used offline. As odd as it sounds to a traditional marketer, we have raised a generation of digital consumers. As we move forwards, we need to bridge the gap between the online and offline. We need to bridge the gap because future consumers will be harder to reach if we don’t.

They McDid it Again

McDonald’s (of all entities) was the first to realize this. That is why they have an app for deliveries, in-store digital signs for menus, and tablets to keep kids entertained. Even their overhead menus have been converted to digital signs in many locations because people simply weren’t reading the printed versions.

More and more, we are going to see companies bridge the gap between online and offline, and digital signs play a big part in that. So, how do we re-purpose content from the online world into the offline world?

Building an Offline Content Machine

Just like how people re-edit their YouTube content to be published on Rumble, and then cut up that content for publishing on TikTok, soon you will see people do the same for their digital signs. In many cases, the process of re-using and re-purposing content is blisteringly easy. Here are a few examples.

Image Ads

Take your visual image content adverts, the types you put on banner advertisements and image ads. Simply take the advert and place it on your digital sign. It is no different from a poster ad, except you remove things like “Click Here” or “Buy Now” buttons, and you replace them with instructions (in-store now) or with interactive elements (QR codes, touchscreen, etc.).

Very Short Videos

Take your short-form adverts, such as those 5-second ones you run before YouTube videos or the short story ones you use on Instagram. Simply create a compilation of them and run them on your digital signs. Place them strategically where the short-form content suits the movement of foot traffic. Such as putting them on digital signs near your tills and serving areas. These are places where short videos and ads are more effective because people are only exposed to the signs for a few moments while they wait to be served. Thanks to software like Kitcast, you are able to mix up your compilations and schedule them to best suit the time of day, season, or to best suit your current promotion.

Longer Videos

Take the long-form content you put on Facebook, YouTube, your own website and other platforms. Repurpose your marketing content for use on your digital signs, removing things like “Visit the website” for something more suitable (like, “Buy in store now”). Then, you show these long-form videos in places where your audience have time to kill, such as in your waiting room, your service areas, or even in your canteen areas. Give people something other than their phones to look at.

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