McDonald’s and Burger King Entered a New Competition!

McDonald's and Burger King entered a competition in Brazil over their new advertisements. We will briefly talk about this in this post.1 min

Hello, dear readers of Marketing Birds. This week we’ll talk about big chefs’ last advertising contest ⚔️ As you already know, McDonald’s and Burger King often alluded to each other advertisements. If you check their older competition between each other, by clicking this link you can see it. This competition’s final curtain was played in Brazil. The story arc was started with McDonald’s advertisement that created with ChatGPT. In the ad mentioned, McDonald’s asked ”What is the most iconic burger?” and ChatGPT replied with the answer ”Big Mac”. And then, Burger King made a similar move through its ad agency DAVID São Paulo, asking ChatGPT, “So What’s The Biggest Burger?” asked. You’ve already seen Burger King’s answers in the thumbnail, but we’ll share it below for you to see up close. Probably, this contest does not finish like that. McDonald’s and Burger King want to continue this competition. Before to go Burger King’s response, if you want to see creative designs or get the latest news from the marketing ecosystem, we’re inviting you to Marketing Birds’ Instagram page.

Here is The Beginning Point of Competition!

As you saw in the thumbnail, McDonald's created an ad that addressed ChatGPT. And in our opinion, that's a creative thing for creating differences between competitors. 

Creative Answer of Burger King!

DAVID São Paulo

In this creative ad, Burger King used a similar roadmap to McDonald's. Concept, design are also similar to McDonald's. But the content is different. Burger King asked ''And Which One is the Biggest?'' and ChatGPT's answer was Burger King's Whopper. In this way, Burger King started another round of advertisement contests with McDonald's. We, the consumers, who love both burgers, will enjoy watching this creativity and advertising competition between the two companies.🍔

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