Buy For Charity, Burn For Normality! Scented Candle!

We’ve been appreciating our old days of getting out nowadays since we are now locked in! This creative product brings you back those nice memories of Friday nights. 1 min

Hola romantics! 🐱

Scented candle. Imagine a Friday night, you’re sitting in your favorite cafe, or in the cinema… Maybe you’re having fun at a festival? You’re with your friends, everything is very “normal”. At this very point, we came across a product that will take you to those moments. Scented candle!

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Brands target many sense organs of their customers when they campaign. Surely, they do this by implementing some nice scent and beautiful design into their stores’ atmosphere. We rely heavily on our emotions as costumers. Take odors, for example, they strongly influence our decision-making by invoking things from our past. Especially the scent-focused brands know that impact of odors well, and they design their products accordingly. We are now locked in our homes, so our memories of “normal” days are very missed... These emotions can drive us to purchase stuff that evokes those times we long for.

There is a new product in the market that targets directly our longing for “normal” days. Many romantics love the candles for sure, they glorify our homes with their shapes, colors, and scents. What if we tell you, that there is a candle that offers you the air of those very missed days? Home fragrance brand Earl of East and Uncommon Creative Studio collaborated on a range of scented candles, promising you “scents of normality”.

These three designs have special mixtures of scents to smell like the cinemas, local places, and festivals. It’s also a social responsibility project —the profit is donated to Hospitality Action, a charity that is helping the hard-hit hospitality industry.

They also have this creative slogan: 

“Buy for Charity, Burn for Normality”

Modern design on the packaging and ads captures the true environments of these everyday places. You can also read what specific scents they have on the boxes of each glass candle.

We miss going out and being “normal” those days, and it worths taking a look at those candles that can take us back to the normal days with their scent mixture. A creative and impressive design to trigger our emotions! 

🕯️♥️ 😍

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Birsen Kargın

Graduated in Business Administration and Management from Ege University. Greatly interested in creative advertisement and green marketing. Aspires to make a positive difference in the world, working on projects that positively impact people's lives and create change.

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