5 Yummy Ice Cream Ads People Want To Buy Right Now

1 min

5 Yummy Ice Cream Ads. Summer is coming. But warm has come already. We get bored with the weather. What can make us smile?

Of course, ice cream. Cold, delicious, small -maybe you want to big size- pretty ice cream. When people call summer, they think about the sea, coast, sun, and ice cream. Sometimes we remember iconic ice cream ads. So, we found irresistible, yummy ice cream ads that you want to buy right now. Let’s see, how long can you withstand?

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  1. 1 Magnum

    Intense and delicious flavors on each floor... In this ad, you can see these flavors caramel, dark chocolate, and chocolate. Literally, the chocolate crisis is appeased.

  2. 2 Mc Donalds

    There is life in ice cream. Mc Donalds describe to Summer with swimming, sunbathing, and enjoying pretty people. This is summer, isn't this? These ads message is clear:

    "A little taste of summer" 

  3. 3 Carte Dor

    Look at these fresh colors. Of course, the ad says "art of dessert". If the dessert is art, these ice cream will be palette. They complete each other.

  4. 4 Oreo - Snickers

    Daniel Sarmiento created these Oreo - Snickers ads. You think you have huge Oreo or Snickers ice cream like these. Do not still want to eat a bite? Your choice. 🤔
  5. 5 Habibs

    "Introducing The All New Creamy Masterpiece"

    This ad was created by Gelmi. There are two types of people. One of the people backs up this ice cream to eat. Like the Haribo bears, another person starts eating from the ice cream head. Which one are you?


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