Creative Fruit Ads That Will Make Your Mouth Water!

Fruits are capeless heroes, especially when we feel tired or sick, they help us instead of taking pills. That's why we decided to write a post about this heroes. 1 min

This week we’ll share a post that is ever written on the website. We’ll talk about fruit ads. As I wrote in the introduction part, fruits are capeless heroes. I don’t know where you live but in my country, the weather is getting colder day by day. From this point, I mixed this situation with marketing after that I decided to write about a fruit ads.

Before the start of our post as you know, 2022 is going to end after 2 months. Last year we posted an e-book that included the best ads in 2021. Until we share 2022, if you want to check 2021 you can click this link.


The first one is coming from France. They used the banana as an energy symbol.

You probably haven't thought of a post where fruit and juice won't be at the same time. The second one is serving this purpose.

If the weather isn't like this I could want this one but the weather is getting colder as I said. That's why I want to skip this one 😂😂

I know I wrote this many times in this post but fruits are foods that can give energy to us. A brand created a bar that included 100% fruits. 

We don't need to talk about this one too much because their slogan is explaining everything we need.

When you go to visit your grandparents while were you a child, mostly they were giving kind of these candies. When I saw this one I thought about that days.😊😊

As a person who likes chewing gum, this ad looks so tasty to me 😋😋😋😋

And the last one is coming from ''Jackfruit 365''  They also explain why we need fruits in a basic way.

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Arda Sanıl Onay

Editor of The Marketing Birds' website. He is studying International Trade & Business at Izmir Katip Celebi University. He likes writing about outdoor advertising and innovations about marketing. If you would like to send your creative works to him, say hi via e-mail or on Instagram.

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