The Best Advertisement Wars Between Companies !

In this post, we will look at advertisement wars between big companies. After that, we will vote them on which one is better. 1 min

This week we researched advertisement wars between big companies. After that, we decided to compete against them in the same post. In our previous posts, we listed advertisement wars between Burger King and McDonald’s. If you want to see the competition between these two brandsyou can check this link.

And lastly, if you are using Twitter to check what’s happening in the marketing ecosystem, you can follow us on Twitter.

Pepsi vs Coca-Cola

The first one is as you guessed between Coca-Cola and Pepsi. These two brands are approximate 99% of the drinking market. That's why they are competing with each other:

  1. Round 1!


    So, what do you think? Which one is better? 

    1. Coca-Cola
    2. Pepsi
    45 votes
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Burger King vs McDonald's

This one is mostly the same as the first one. Because these two are the best burger shops all around the World.

  1. Round 2!


    The second one! Which one mostly do you prefer? 

    1. Burger King
    2. McDonald's
    42 votes
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Samsung vs Apple

The hardest one for us. Some of us love using ''IOS'' but ''Android'' users are certainly not less. The only thing that we can say about these two  operating systems is ''preferences''

  1. Round 3!


    As we wrote the hardest one! Which one do you prefer? Samsung or Apple?

    1. Samsung
    2. Apple
    45 votes
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BMW vs Audi

The 4th one is about cars. If I am a person who is interested in cars I can add my comment about these two cars but I am not interested in cars too much.

  1. Round 4!


    What do you think? BMW or Audi? 

    1. BMW
    2. Audi
    45 votes
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Kitkat vs Oreo

This one is so tasty. Kitkat shared a tweet about Oreo and Oreo responded to it in a different way.

  1. Final Round!


    The last one! Which one is better in your opinion? 

    1. Kitkat
    2. Oreo
    39 votes
    Share Your Result

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