Eye-Tracking Technology – 3 Marketing Studies

1 min

Eye-Tracking technology – This is a device that allows the human eye to know where and how it is looking, and it can be used in many areas, for example: in psychological tests, neuromarketing, and UX (user experience). However, such devices are also important for people who cannot speak or use their hands. Below you can learn about 3 amazing marketing studies conducted using this technology.

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  1. 1 Toddlers Effect

    Do you like babies? Then be attentive! We will reveal to you the secret of secrets in advertising.

    For many years, toddlers’ pictures have been actively used to attract attention in advertisements. Even if their pictures have nothing to do with the advertised product, you will want to see it again if you see a smiling, cute, and sweet baby, right? (try if you don't believe)

    In Australia, a very interesting study led by James Breeze called “Wherever you look, they look, too” to determine the impact of toddlers on advertising using eye movement detection technology.

    According to that, the participants were shown an advertisement for the soles of the company Baby with two different pictures of the toddler. In the first view, the baby image is placed in a straight line. That is, facing the viewer.

    In the picture above, the most striking element is the baby's face. The reason? The reason is simple, what is the use of looking at the captions when there is a picture of such a sweet and cute little one in the advertisement? Isn't that so?

    After seeing the second picture above, you immediately realized what the secret was, right? Yes, it is possible to achieve the desired result with a little work on the element of strong focus. (How much do you think it would cost the company to just turn the kid around?)

  2. 2 F-Pattern

    In 2006, Nielsen Norman Group conducted an eye movement study. The results show that people scan web pages and phone screens in a variety of ways, and one of them is to read text and words in the form of the letter “F”. That is, from left to right. Interestingly, the style of reading in this form is written from right to left, for example, in Arabic, there is also an inverted version of the form "F".

    However, there are alternatives "E" and "Z" shapes, in addition to the "F" shape. You can see the results of the survey in the picture above. 

    Below is another example of an "F" shape taken from the Internet.

    Internet users usually scan sites based on their reading habits. Because of the large number of languages written from left to right, websites are "decorated" in an "F" format accordingly.

  3. 3 Get Rid Of Excess Weight

    When the main task is to attract the attention of the user through the website and provide them with the necessary information, you should locate the "call action" button in right place.

    TechWyse provided a great UX (user experience) case in the form of a shipping service site on how to properly "decorate" websites.

    The main purpose of the study was to equip the site view accordingly by determining how many times a user clicks on a "mouse", where and on what they are moving.

    In the photo above, the company has placed a double phone number to attract website visitors and turn them into potential customers. However, as the result shows, you can see that the “NO FEES” sign is attracting a lot of unnecessary attention. Because this element is placed in the center and red color, it distracts the user from the main action and reduces efficiency.

    Below you can see how the modified version of the web page concluded the errors.

    Now it's much better, isn't it?

    Because the "Call Now" button is in a great location and the page view is simplified for information retrieval, it attracts more attention from users, thereby increasing the “risk” of turning them into a customer immediately. Of course, prudence and precision increase your chances of making money in any situation.

    Would you like to know more about marketing tricks and strategies? – Just keep watching us!

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A'zam Sultonov

Master's degree (MBA) student at Baltic International Academy. Content writer about marketing and its activities. The main interests are neuromarketing, consumer behavior, experiential and sensory marketing. For any questions, please contact me.

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