Facebook and Instagram Will Wind Down Their NFT Support!

Stephane Kasriel, Meta's head of commerce and financial technologies, announced the new. To focus on other things, Meta will wind down NFT support. 1 min

NFTs… They entered our lives one year ago. In the beginning, they wreaked havoc. Famous people, investigators, and humanity turned their eyes to this universe. Also, we started to create posts about NFTs due to the rapid growth of this ecosystem. Here you can find one of them. Besides, some of the big companies like McDonald’s, and Coca-Cola prepared a series that can integrate this universe. But what is changed? Why will Meta wind down NFT support? Before beginning, if you want to read Mr Stephane’s tweet series, you can click this link.

What About Reasons?

As we understood from tweets, the main reason is Meta wants to increase company-wide focus and focus on other ways to support Creators, people, and businesses.

On another hand, n our opinion, Meta may have thought that NFTs had lost their old popularity and put them in the 2nd plan. Because as we wrote in the introduction part, NFTs were truly popular all around the World. But nowadays, only NFT communities and NFT owners are chatting about this universe. For this reason, Meta can decide like this. 

Moreover, Mr. Stephane said that: ''Let me be clear: creating opportunities for creators and businesses to connect with their fans and monetize remains a priority, and we're going to focus on areas where we can make an impact at scale, such as messaging and monetization apps for Reels.'' from that point, we clearly understand what will change in Facebook and Instagram.


So... What do you think? Is this good or bad for Meta and NFT, what will happen in near future? You can share your ideas with us by sending DM on Instagram or other social media accounts. 

That's all for this week, see you all next week! 

Cover Photo: Pawel Czerwinski on Unsplash

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