10 Famous Brands That Entered NFTs Universe

Another universe, other realities... We do not want to miss this reality. Today we talk about NFTs and what famous brands have entered this universe. 1 min


Like everything else in our lives, our investments are being transformed by the evolution of technology. For example, after the development of these universes, some of us would rather buy cryptocurrencies or NFTs than gold or silver. At this point, we would like to talk about which brands choose this way. 👾💸

Before the beginning, if you want to check other NFTs you can check ”Opensea”, ”Rarible”, or any place you can trust. If you are ready let’s get into a other reality 😎😎

  1. 1 McDonald's

    What a brand! I really respect them because of the following the World. They always catch the global with the innovating vision. 

  2. 2 Taco Bell

    Taco... I really wanted to eat it in Mexico. If you are a person who thinks like me this is an incredible opportunity for all 😂😂😂😂

  3. 3 L'Oreal Paris

    L'Oreal Paris also wanted to accept this technological innovation and they wanted to carry their products on the NFT world.

  4. 4 Coca-Cola

    Coca-Cola... Think about a brand that they are able to do everything they want and need. They will be NFT universe and we are curious what will they do after this?

  5. 5 Asics

    As a shoe brand, Asics entered this universe with their 3 shoes and if you ask me, they are really cool.

  6. 6 Ray-Ban

    Whenever anyone says glasses, Ray-ban is the first brand that comes to our mind. They reflected their innovator side.

  7. 7 Under Armour

    The second shoe brand in our blog is Under Armour. I hope they'll be comfortable in other reality.😂😂

  8. 8 Louis Vuitton

    As a wearing brand, Louis Vuitton announced their first NFT collection. And if you ask me, if you want to be cool in that universe you can choose their clothes 😊😊

  9. 9 Balenciaga

    Balenciaga wanted to do a partnership with Fortnite to exhibit their products. My friends who playing Fortnite, said these costumes are really good in the game.

  10. 10 Dolce&Gabbana

    What I wrote in the part about Louis Vuitton also applies to Dolce & Gabbana. If you want to look better, you can prefer these brands.😊😊

  1. Which One Is The Best For You?


    We examined too much NFT today. Like our furry friend; we are curious, which one is the best for you ??

    1. McDonald's
    2. Taco Bell
    3. L'Oreal Paris
    4. Asics
    5. Coca-Cola
    6. Ray-Ban
    7. Under Armour
    8. Louis Vuitton
    9. Balenciaga
    10. Dolce&Gabbana
    68 votes
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Arda Sanıl Onay

Editor of The Marketing Birds' website. He is studying International Trade & Business at Izmir Katip Celebi University. He likes writing about outdoor advertising and innovations about marketing. If you would like to send your creative works to him, say hi via e-mail or on Instagram.

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