How Famous Logos Were Integrated into the Medieval Ages?

Today, we will take a short trip back in time and examine the designs that recreated famous logos under the conditions of that time! 1 min

Hi everyone! 👋🏻 Today we will reinterpret famous logos together. Because this will be a different version of them! 🤩 Actually, we have prepared this kind of post about Harry Potter characters before. And it attracted a lot of attention – you can read that post using this link – We hope this one will also receive the same attention.😇 By the way, we would like to thank Ilya Stallone for preparing these famous logos and inspiring us for this article.

So let’s begin! 🤘

  1. 1 KFC

    Here is the first logo! The king of the chickens: KFC 😎 

  2. 2 Facebook

    Facebook, with its new name "Meta", looks like a wizard in our opinion, and what he/she is reading is a spell book 🪄

  3. 3 Nokia

    Our friend Ilya, the creator of the logos, wanted to use Nokia's durability as a shield. 🛡️ Indeed, although Nokia phones are not actively used today, they were one of the most durable phones when they were used.

  4. 4 Walt Disney

    Normally Walt Disney would take us to the medieval ages, but this time we wanted to take them to the medieval ages. 😁

  5. 5 Mcdonald's

    And lastly, An indispensable part of a marketing post is McDonald's! 🤓

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