How Will the Artificial Intelligence Competition Continue?

We will talk about the development of artificial intelligence and how much further this development will progress in the future. 1 min

Hi marketing lovers! Today we’ll talk about the future. Future of artificial intelligence. 🦾 Frankly, I do not want to make the cliché of explaining what artificial intelligence does. Because, if you are a close follower of Marketing Birds, you already know about this subject and how to use AI in marketing. 😎 But if you haven’t read that post, I invite you to read it using this link. On the other hand, you can easily reach us via our Instagram account for your feedback, suggestions and content ideas about this post or the posts we have shared before. 😊

Firstly, Let's Throwback to the Starting Point of the Journey!

According to many of us, the biggest breakthrough in artificial intelligence is the 3.5 version of ChatGPT published by OpenAI. The reason we accept this is that, yes, people know about artificial intelligence and its development, but with ChatGPT, the scope of this situation has reached a very impressive level. 🤓 From this point on, large companies such as Google, Meta and Baidu wanted to jump into this artificial intelligence train and gain a place for themselves.

So What Awaits Us From Now On?

The race mentioned above continues to increase. In fact, when you think about it, this and this kind of competition has always been good for us, the consumers. But there is a slightly different situation here. Because, as you know, it has not been long ago that artificial intelligence entered our lives in such a comprehensive way. At this point, people have some concerns. 🤔 Because, as we said above, this process progressed very quickly. This rapid progress can lead to loss of employment, data security and privacy, loss of human control, bias and discrimination, and societal impacts.

What Does the Main Character of the Journey Think?

ChatGPT, the main character of artificial intelligence, thinks that the necessary control mechanisms should be established regarding this issue and that if these mechanisms are established, artificial intelligence will make great contributions to our lives. 🤖

Before finishing

That was all from this week. But I want to ask a question here. What's your idea about this topic? Are you on the same page with ChatGPT's speech or not? Is artificial intelligence or humanity, the subject of many science fiction movies, really trying to outdo each other? 🧐

Share your ideas and feedback with us! 😊

Have a nice weekend, see you all next week! 👋🏻

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Arda Sanıl Onay

Editor of The Marketing Birds' website. He is studying International Trade & Business at Izmir Katip Celebi University. He likes writing about outdoor advertising and innovations about marketing. If you would like to send your creative works to him, say hi via e-mail or on Instagram.

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