How To Make Working From Home Work For Your Business

Working from home is becoming more and more common. 1 min

Employees around the world are celebrating that they can work from the comfort of their own homes at least a couple of times a week. But what do you need to do to ensure your business is operating at its best with your employees scattered in different locations? Here are some great tips for working from home!

IG: @marketingbirds

Organize Your Workflow

If your employees aren’t talking to each other directly or sitting a walking distance away from one another, then you could start to find problems with your workflow. A smooth workflow is essential to making sure you are operating at your best, so how can you solve the problem?

An integrated online platform, such as an ITSM, will collate and track your projects to ensure everything is being done properly, and that nobody is left behind. Using integrated workflow platforms means you will be able to see the progress of every task from start to finish. That way you can be sure that you’re working to the best of your ability!

Making Your Employees Comfortable

If your employees are working from home, then you should still be catering to their working needs. There’s no real way of knowing how well your staff have their home offices equipped, or if they even have one, but making them as comfortable as possible when working from home is key to their productivity.

You can offer to provide standing desks for their proven benefits, both physically and mentally. You should check that all of your staff have a suitable office chair so they are able to work the full day comfortably. You could even introduce daily stretches or desk exercises into your routine for anyone who wants to join, that way you’ll have a happy and healthy workforce at home.


Communications are the most essential aspect of working from home. You need to be sure that all of your employees have suitable internet access and that they are able to access all of the servers and files they need from anywhere. Losing communication with your employees is a sure-fire path to failure, so make sure the measures are in place!

There’s an amazing array of telephony systems on offer that will make conference calls and catch-ups so much easier. The all-in-one system will allow your staff to stay in contact with everyone in their team at the push of a button, so nothing is lost by the distance!


A laptop has become a common asset to most jobs. A good laptop means your staff can work in the office or at home on the same device. They can be prepared for any eventuality and can access everything they need whenever they need to.

You should make sure your staff all have high-quality, fast laptops. That way, you can expect them to work as well as they would from the office. There’s a huge range of laptops you could invest in, so find the best models at a price that suits you, then make sure your team is well equipped!

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