How to Create a Visually Pleasing Marketing Campaign

Marketing is critical for any business. A company's marketing campaign can make or break its success. 1 min

A visually pleasing marketing campaign can be the difference between a customer choosing your product or service over another. According to research, visitors can have a huge impact on a company’s marketing strategy. It is claimed by HubSpot:

  • 65% of the information is retained three days after it is presented with a relevant image.
  • Marketing professionals (49 percent) consider visual content to be the most crucial.
  • Information graphics have seen dramatic growth in popularity among B2B marketers over the past four years.

So, how can you create a visually pleasing marketing campaign? What considerations should you bear in mind when designing the visuals? Keep reading to find out my top recommendations.

How to Create a Visually Pleasing Marketing Campaign
Photo by Jose Francisco Fernandez Saura

Use Original Photos

It is much easier for people to remember information when it is presented in a visual form. People are more likely to remember 65% of what they learned three days later when presented with relevant images, compared to only 10% when presented with mere text.

Your work will be more authentic and personal if it is based on original photographs taken by you or by a freelancer. On the other hand, doing it yourself is both time-consuming and costly. Fortunately, you can use a PNG maker to create your own bespoke graphics or find royalty-free images online.

Make Use of Videos

You can demonstrate the practical solutions your product or service provides via videos. While there are other visually appealing materials that are more reasonably priced, a well-made film can help you grow your company. 54 percent of customers want to see more video content from a brand or company they support, according to the HubSpot 2017 Content Trends Survey Report.

Several types of videos can help make your advertising more captivating and engaging to the viewers. They include:

  • Animated videos
  • How-To videos
  • Explainer videos

It is crucial to note that video content should have a maximum runtime of no more than two minutes. The intro video should also grab the attention of viewers.

Make Use of Infographics to Simplify Complex Messages

Infographics make difficult information more understandable to the common person. Incorporating a graphic design to clarify complicated ideas can make your marketing campaign more visually pleasing and engaging. You can use charts, tables or graphs to drive the message home in an easier-to-understand way.

When it comes to SEO, infographics are also proven to increase the value of a page. The more publicity your website receives, the more visitors it will attract. A visually appealing style and concise information will draw in readers while significantly affecting social media.

Use of Infographics to Simplify Complex Messages
Photo by RODNAE Productions

Consider Your Choice of Font(s) and Colors

Fonts and colors matter in marketing. Fonts have the power to elevate or detract from the image of a company. Using different typefaces can greatly impact your clients' perceptions of your brand and the message you are trying to convey. Fonts have an impact on how people feel and what they think about a piece of content. This is because they have a distinct personality that resonates nicely with your brand's style.

To ensure that your message reaches your customers, readability is an essential consideration in the design of your typeface. Consider the typeface's width, height, and the number of characters. Adding a dash of color to your font is a great way to communicate your company identity. Even color has its own distinct personality.


Creating engaging, visually appealing material can arouse a customer's interest in learning more about your company. By creating high-quality visual material that resonates with your audience, you are more likely to develop a solid reputation for your brand.

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