Journey To Hogwarts With Magical Harry Potter Items

1 min

It’s been 20 years. Harry Potter became well-known and well-liked all around the world during this time, thanks to his books and films. Over time, games, studio tours, cafes, and other items have been produced to satisfy this passion of the Harry Potter universe. As a result, this is more than just a book and a film. It grew into a brand. Wearing his clothes, getting tattoos, and posting about him on social media… The Harry Potter brand has not forgotten its followers over this period. Don’t forget to follow Marketing Birds to avoid missing out on similar shares. IG: @marketingbirds

The fantastic show is in store for us. Are you planning something special for this special show? If you think we have shared some fantastic Harry Potter-themed items with you, please let us know. Let's see which one appeals to you the most.

  1. 1 Wizard Chess Set

    It was one of the most exciting scenes in Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone. You'll want to own this great chess set no matter how much it doesn't talk to you or act aggressively.


  2. 2 Suitcase with School Stuff

    Are you ready for Hogwarts? Is your suitcase ready? Still not complete with your stuff? This package is for you.


  3. 3 Triwizard Cup Lamp

    You don't have to go through tough races to win the trophy of the Triwizard tournament. Here's the sparkling Triwizard trophy.


  4. 4 Uniform Blanket

    Blanket in the form of a uniform... Is it not every student's dream? It saves time and is convenient.

  5. 5 Wizard Chest with Books

    Isn't a Harry Potter book series chest a wonderful thing for bookworms?


  6. 6 Smart Watch


    Even if this clock does not turn back time, it will keep the spirit of Hogwarts alive.

  1. Which Harry Potter Item Did You Like?

    1. Wizard Chess Set
    2. Suitcase with School Stuff
    3. Triwizard Cup Lamp
    4. Uniform Blanket
    5. Wizard Chest with Books
    6. Smart Watch
    17 votes
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Ebru Çil

Editor of Marketing Birds website. She is doing master degree in marketing at Izmir Katip Celebi University. She graduated from Faculty of Administrative and Economics Sciences at Ege University.

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