Valentine’s Day Chocolate Ads

1 min

The LOVEliest day is finally here! This year, we will not offer only love, but also chocolate. Over the years, chocolate has been one of the most received gifts for Valentine’s Day. For this reason, a lot of worldwide chocolate companies would always create special advertisements for this event. This tradition continues today, but how have advertisements developed from the early years till now? We invite you to our time travel machine where we will have a closer look at chocolate ads for Valentine’s Day from ’50 and ’60 until nowadays. Enjoy your Love Trip! Don’t forget to follow Marketing Birds to avoid missing similar shares. IG: @themarketingbirds

  1. 1 Milky Way, 1954

    In this advertisement, "Milky Way Chocolate" shows a big heart-shaped figure. The heart represents the face of a shy and romantic person. Its rosy cheeks, full red lips, and closed eyes make you realize that the lover would feel satisfied and pleased with this chocolate as a gift, just like this figure. Would "Milky Way" be able to lead you to the Love Way?

  2. 2 Schrafft's Chocolate, 1956

    A red heart big box with a white ribbon and a flower on it, what could be better? Oh, yes, chocolate! Schrafft's offered all these elements in this advertisement. The globe standing behind the box means that from everyone else in the whole world, the person receiving this chocolate box is the most special one. Love has got the power to make you feel like the rest of the world doesn't even exist, right?

  3. 3 Whitman's Chocolate, 1960

    The cupid of love, at that time, was holding Whitman's Chocolate instead of arrows. Well, we don't know which would hurt the most, but one thing is sure: it would make you fall head over heels in love with your significant other. Whitman's Chocolate also offered a variety of heart boxes with different sizes and colors. 

  4. 4 Brach's Chocolate, 1965

    If you're too shy to say "I love you", let Brachs Chocolate do it for you. In this advertisement, we can clearly see that this brand didn't offer only chocolate but also other types of heart-shaped candies. The predominant color is red, but pink and white are used too.

  5. 5 Milka, 2018

    As the years passed, the quality of the advertisements got higher. As shown in the photo, "Milka", a famous brand of chocolate, is launching its chocolate box for Valentine's Day in 2018. There is a girl who is holding a heart box and an improvised silver ring. The colors which are used the most are purple, white and red. 

  6. 6 Toblerone, 2019

    Toblerone, a chocolate bar brand based in Switzerland, suggested us in 2019 to gift something different. In this ad, we can see a heart made of chocolate and a red ribbon that comes around it. The main color used is yellow (the traditional color of Toblerone).

  7. 7 GODIVA, 2020

    Last year, GODIVA offered an admirable and charming advertisement about Valentine's Day. From this ad, the chocolate looks shiny and filled with pink cream. The shapes of the chocolate bars are different (circular and square). Pink and purple are the colors that grab the attention the most.

  8. 8 Ferrero Rocher, 2021

    "A precious gift for someone you love" is the slogan for this Valentine from Ferrero Rocher. The key elements of this advertisement are: gold background, a big "tree" made from Ferrero, a heart box near it and two big hearts behind. These elements give us the idea of a bright room where the sun shines and love is everywhere...and chocolate obviously. 

    Unfortunately, our Love Trip is over now. As we saw, the advertisements for Valentine's Day have changed radically. In the early years, there were more words, less quality, and the color red was inevitable. During the last years, there are fewer words and high image standards. We see colorful backgrounds and a special dedication to the quality. Something that we saw in every advertisement is the heart, the figure that has always symbolized Valentine's Day.

    However, the advertisements may have changed, but one thing that hasn't changed and will never change is the keyword of this special day, LOVE. Choose love today, tomorrow, and every other day!

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Armela Tusha

- Student of Collegium Civitas in Warsaw, Poland. -Studying Public Relations, Marketing & New Media.

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