Create Your IKEA Quarantine Fort!

We are pushing our creativity during the quarantine. The Russian IKEA comes up with a fun idea that will ease the parents who try to keep their kids happy. 1 min

Hola daydreamers! IKEA Quarantine Fort. Just as the essential brands keep on working for our well-being these days. Some other brands like IKEA do their best to keep us strong and healthy — like offering us creative and fun ideas! IKEA Quarantine Fort, That’s exactly what The Russian IKEA team did when they came up with a brilliant idea. 

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It’s getting harder every day for children to self-isolate without boredom. Many parents are cautious for the increasing technology addiction, so they look for creative activities to keep their kids entertained. Yet it’s been months now, and most are run out of ideas.

Well now, are you ready for a fresh and exciting idea? There you are, the product of a collaboration between The Russian IKEA and Instinct Advertising Agency: building blanket forts!

The Russian IKEA Instagram page published six instruction manuals that convert everyday pieces of household items into playhouses: pillows, chairs, tables, standing lamps, laundry pins, and -of course- blankets!

Just like every IKEA furniture, these also require some sort of assembly guide. But they got you covered! The post gives all the details on building the forts. They recommend using their products, of course, but you can replace them with whatever home furnishings and supplies that you own. Either build a safe and magnificent tent for your little one or satisfy your inner child by offering ‘em somewhere to hide, the only limit is your imagination!

Surely these are not “official IKEA user guides for IKEA products,” but it’s a fantastic idea to consider while spending quality time with family. You can choose from a wigwam, castle, house, tent, cave, or fortress. That said, IKEA stresses: “Make sure the structure is safe, and do not leave children alone.” Because nowadays kids need love and attention more than anything else, and they also should be kept an eye on during playtimes. In such times, IKEA’s campaign is an example of correct crisis management by such a creative and useful idea. The brand didn’t keep silent just because their products are not essential needs but gave effort to keep us enjoyed. ❤️


If you miss IKEA’s famous Swedish meatballs, IKEA also released a recipe for them! We couldn’t enjoy their delicious meals as they are closed due to quarantine, yet again they declared it is more important to make their customers healthy and good rather than sticking to their company policies. 

How thoughtful of them!


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Birsen Kargın

Graduated in Business Administration and Management from Ege University. Greatly interested in creative advertisement and green marketing. Aspires to make a positive difference in the world, working on projects that positively impact people's lives and create change.

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