.Swoosh Created First Sneaker Collection #OurForce1

.Swoosh made a collaboration with Nike for this sneaker collection. Also,this collection is the first virtual sneaker collection.It will go on general sale on May 10 1 min

Hello everyone! This week’s post will look at a sneaker collection with you but with a difference. The difference is these sneakers will be in virtual reality. As you know, Nike loves innovation. Nowadays, they want to bring their products to other realities by making collaborations like this one. In this way, ”.Swoosh” is an incredible opportunity for this leap. Because ”.Swoosh” is a web3 platform. With this collaboration, .Swoosh can advertise itself. But also, Nike will be signaling that you can move on to reality. If you want to get more knowledge about the #OurForce collection, you can click the link.

On another hand, if you are interested in innovation news in the ecosystem like this one, you can read our ChatGPT blog.

Here Is The Collection!

In 2022, too many firms joined virtual reality. Some of them shared the NFT series, and some of them made collaborations like this one. But at the end of the day, most of the famous brands entered this universe. As we wrote in the introduction part, Nike loves innovation and innovation things like this one. In this way, Nike entered this universe.

How We Can Buy Them?

We buy a mysterious box containing a shoe from the Our Force collection on the blockchain. As a date, Nike says it will be after May 10. Until then, this mystery will continue🪄

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