The 13 Best Spooky Halloween Candy Ads

1 min

Hi, candy-lovers… Halloween Candy Ads.

Your inner child is still alive, right? Do your memories go back to childhood when you see the candies? This is how we feel especially during Halloween times. Because the taste of candies comes to mind, and we also remember fun, sharing, creativity and friendship. That’s why we can’t forget the candies eaten during Halloween. Of course, there are lots of candy brands on the market. That’s why we’ve selected the best candy brands for you. If we forget any candy brand, can you share with us? Well, let’s get started!

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  1. 1 AirHeads

    Ads and own of AirHeads Candy are both funny and creative. AirHeads use name means so wisely and creatively

  2. 2 M&M's

    Everything great starts with "M". M&M's is so right. 

  3. 3 Sour Patch Kids

    Sour Patch Kids' taste is both sour and sweet. So, this brand shows this with its commercials.

  4. 4 Milky Way


    Anyone that eat Milky Way, they lose track of time. This is a perfect excuse, isn't this? 

  5. 5 Jolly Rancher

    Every child likes to paint their tongue. Jolly Rancher says all our flavors are color, and your tongue is the palette. Which children can resist this

  6. 6 Milk Duds


    Each jaw wants to chew Milk Duds. 

  7. 7 Skittles

    When we eat Skittles, our faces grimace. Thus, the "Scatter Your Senses" slogan can not be shown so funnily. 

  8. 8 Haribo Gummies

    Kids and grown-ups love it so, the happy world of Haribo!

  9. 9 Reese's

    We are not sorry for we eat Reese's. 

  10. 10 Butterfinger

    Nobody touches my Butterfinger. 

  11. 11 Starburst

    Starburst's slogan is "unexplainably juicy". The brand's ads show different paths with this slogan. These ads illustrate as the woman jumps into the water despite sharks or Moses divide into the candy.

  12. 12 KitKat

    KitKat emphasizes having a break with KitKat. Stress levels decrease by eating Kit Kat and this is, has been proven by Kitkat scientists. Who can disagree despite this evidence?

  13. 13 Twix

    It's time to decide. Which side are you on?

    Twix created a Frankenstein Twix for those who do not choose sides. 

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Ebru Çil

Editor of Marketing Birds website. She is doing master degree in marketing at Izmir Katip Celebi University. She graduated from Faculty of Administrative and Economics Sciences at Ege University.

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