The 5 Best Marketing Books You Should Read In 2020

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Hi, bookworm  📚🐛

We know how good it is to read books. When we read books regularly your vocabulary improves. Your imagination increases. Most importantly, you become a knowledgeable person. Especially if we read books in the fields we are interested in, apart from reading novels, our knowledge in those fields increases. If you are interested in marketing, if you are a student in the relevant department,  we have organized these books for you will attract your attention.

Marketing is alive. Marketing is a continuous improvement and change. Of course, we use the internet frequently to get information on current topics. You think the internet is faster, more accessible, and cheaper. Yes, you are right. But there’s something we forgot. Many sources on the internet will create information pollution as well as reliable information. We should read books to get more exact information. Let’s take a look at the books we have listed without making you more curious 👇

  1. 1 Ben Settle's Big Book Of Business - Ben Settle

    Marketing books always attract our attention, but this book by Ben Settle is a very comprehensive book for digital marketing. It is a book of more than 500 pages. It is a unique book where you can find many different marketing campaigns.

  2. 2 This Is Marketing - Seth Godin

    This is Marketing; It's about basing your business on your dreams, desires, and communities you want to serve. Making positive changes in people is about creating jobs we can be proud of. So it's more about being a market leader rather than following the market. We are sure that you will read this book in one breath.

  3. 3 Unleash Possible - Samantha Stone

    This book was written by Samantha Stone. If you want to learn more about sales and being successful, this book can help. A book in which you can find practical solutions for sales. It is a book on B2B marketing.

  4. 4 Social Media ROI - Olivier Blanchard

    We now spend too much time on social media. That's why businesses have been starting to creating and manage their social media accounts. So how can they use their social media accounts more effectively? You can find the answer to this question and more in this book.

  5. 5 Positioning - Al Ries & Jack Trout

    Positioning is one of the most important issues in marketing. Positioning defines where your product stands in relation to others offering similar products and services in the marketplace as well as the mind of the consumer. This book was written by Al Ries and Jack Trout in 1980. Currently, it is sold with the 20th-anniversary edition.

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Yaren Dura

She is studying business at Izmir Katip Celebi University. She likes writing about creative ads, packaging design and guerrilla marketing. If you would like to send your creative works to her, say hi via email or on Instagram.

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