Marketing Trends That You Will Need In 2024

As we approach the end of 2023, what marketing trends should we be aware of for 2024? 1 min

Hi Marketing Birds! 👋🏻

Welcome to the exciting discussion ahead! As hinted at in the title, we’re about to embark on a journey through the ever-evolving marketing landscape, specifically focusing on the game-changing trends of 2023. Prepare to uncover a world of Innovative Technologies and Tactics that are reshaping the way brands connect with their audiences. By the way, last year we prepared marketing trends in 2023. By using this link, you can reach that post.

Let’s get started!

X: @marketing_birds

1. Augmented Reality (AR) and Virtual Reality (VR) Marketing

Augmented Reality (AR) is a type of technology that enriches the real world with virtual objects. When having an AR experience, you see the real world as you see it, but virtual objects, graphics, or information are added to these real images.

Many brands integrate Augmented Reality (AR) technology into their marketing strategies and deliver immersive experiences to consumers.

For example, Sephora's AR app gives users the opportunity to try on virtual makeup. Users can try different makeup products and colours by pointing the camera at their faces. This way, users can see how the products will look without actually trying them out.

Virtual Reality (VR) is a technology that transports users to a completely virtual environment. When using VR, you are in a virtual world that completely blocks the real world. The VR experience is usually provided using a VR headset.

Source: Multivu

2. Personalised Marketing

This type of marketing makes consumers feel special. There are many ways to achieve this. Examples of these are personalised Recommendations, Targeted Email Campaigns, Location-Based Offers, and Tailored Social Media Ads.

Let's say you want to go on vacation with your friend. A few minutes after you talk about it, you come across hotel or flight ticket advertisements.

This is a good example of personalised advertising, although a little scary. 😄

3. Emotional Marketing and Storytelling

By tapping into human emotions, brands can create narratives that resonate deeply, forging connections that transcend transactional interactions.

For instance, touching commercials often air during the holiday period. These advertisements transcend the mere display of products; instead, they weave narratives that evoke emotions of nostalgia, warmth, and unity. The iconic polar bear ads by Coca-Cola and the heartwarming Christmas campaigns by John Lewis vividly illustrate how emotional storytelling can forge enduring bonds with consumers.

4. Interactive Content and Live Streams

Interactive Content and Live Streams are great ways to interact, invite participation, and have conversations. This way, brands provide users with a real-time experience and ensure that they become even more loyal to the brand. Polls, quizzes, and 360-degree videos are examples of interactive content.

Do you remember when Elon Musk sent a car to space?

That was a prime example of how Live Streams can be used to captivate and engage audiences on an unprecedented scale. This iconic event showcased not only the technological prowess of SpaceX but also highlighted the power of Live Streams in capturing global attention and sparking conversations.

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Fatma Zehra Balcı

Editor and Social Media Manager of Marketing Birds. She is studying International Trade & Business at Izmir Katip Celebi University. She likes real time marketing and street marketing. If you would like to send your creative works to her, say hi via e-mail or on Instagram.

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