The Scariest Halloween Ads Ever!

As you know, last week was Halloween week. In this post, we will share with you the scariest halloween ads of this year. 1 min

Hi everyone! As a marketing website, we couldn’t pass the Halloween week, when many new marketing-related advertisements were shared, without sharing a post. 🎃 We will examine with you these Halloween ads shared by Burger King and LEGO. But if you want to see what other brands have shared advertisements in the past, apart from these two big companies, you can reach all our Halloween ads posts by clicking on this link. Also, during the same period, we shared a lot of posts and stories on Instagram. If you are interested in this type of sharing, we invite you to our Instagram account. 📸

  1. 1 Lego

    We wanted to share them with you because we were impressed not only by this advertisement but also by this series of advertisements as a whole. We hope you like it as much as we do.🤓

  2. 2 Lego

  3. 3 Lego

  4. 4 Lego

  5. 5 Burger King

    This was our last ad. In our opinion, the most striking Halloween advertisements of this year were like this. 🤩

    So what do you think? 🤔 Do you think this list is correct or have you seen better ones? If you have seen better ones, we would love for you to share them with us.

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