These New Generation Masks Will Change Your Habits!

Wearing masks is now an important part of our lives. Research shows many are repulsed by this practice, and some others can't build the habit. Here comes a solution! 1 min

Hola strong hearts! New Generation Masks. We say #stayhome in these quarantine days, but surely, we still need to go out to provide our needs on a regular basis. As the world tries to get normalized, we become one with our “masks”. New Generation Masks. There is some striking research on our precautions about hygiene and social distancing, regarding how well we are dealing with our new habits. The conclusion is not very bright —many people are still timid. We will see how some social responsibility projects aim to comfort both the kids who are afraid to wear masks and the families having a hard time wearing the masks whenever they need to go out.

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May The Force Be With You, Pandemic Heroes!

A paper published in New York shows that children are afraid to wear protective masks. Miami Ad School Hamburg designed some “COVID WARS” masks for Disney, with the aim of helping kids feel strong and safe during the pandemic and prevent the fear of wearing masks. There are four types of those masks, each of them has a special meaning and character.

Art Director/Designer: Thit Lin Venning
Copywriter: Lisa Kirmsse

“Wear this mask to transform into the ultimate ruler of the empire. Use your force to choke the invisible enemy from 6 feet afar!”

“Strap on this mask to become the galaxy’s notorious assassin. Ultra-durable armor will let attacks of the invisible enemy repel!”

“With this mask, you’ll turn into the dark warrior. Let the force be strong with you so you can manipulate the invisible enemy’s mind!”

“Pull on this mask to join the imperial infantry. Let shots of the invisible enemy bounce off your armor so that you can fire back even better!”

Disney has one other social responsibility project besides this one, again with the purpose of helping us overcome the fear of wearing masks. These masks are not made for medical purposes, so the target is not the health workers but the heroes on the streets and their families. These masks have characters from Pixar, Marvel, and Star Wars multiverses.

All profits from the mask sales in the US through September 30th, which is anticipated to be up to  $1 million, will be donated to MedShare. Also, 1 million masks will be distributed in underserved communities.

"We realize that this is a challenging time for families and wearing any type of mask can be daunting. Our hope is that Disney's cloth face masks featuring some of our most beloved characters will provide comfort to the families, fans, and communities that are so important to us."

Edward Park, senior vice president of Disney store and shopDisney, describes their project with these words. Producing these masks also in children's size makes them suitable for everyone regardless of age.

In conclusion, Disney seems to find a cute and non-intimidating way to hide our faces! Such a creative and beneficial project! 


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Birsen Kargın

Graduated in Business Administration and Management from Ege University. Greatly interested in creative advertisement and green marketing. Aspires to make a positive difference in the world, working on projects that positively impact people's lives and create change.

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